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A new way to own your voice in web3

Dialect Labs
Dialect Labs
2 min readDec 22, 2022


Introducing: NFT CHAT STICKERS, a new way to own your voice in web3. Download Dialect to join the in-app waitlist and claim your genesis NFT Sticker Pack by Marculino.

(iOS only for now. Android soon, Saga on day one)

These stickers are assets you can make, trade, and sell to truly own your voice. They’re NFTs like any other, but if you have them in your messaging wallet, you can use them in chat to express yourself with friends. Download Dialect today to receive the Genesis Pack by Marculino when joining the app.

Marculino Genesis Sticker Pack

After you receive the Genesis Pack, our in-app waitlist has more surprises waiting for you. The more friends you refer to Dialect, the higher your chances become at earning limited run Special Edition packs of varying rarities. We‘re working with an incredible line-up of 1/1 artists to create Special Edition Packs.

Want early access? Follow us on Twitter, we’ll be sharing more soon.

The tech is cool too. We’re using Solana’s & Metaplex’s innovative compressed NFT standard, which dramatically reduces the cost of minting NFTs, opening up whole new design space for abundance and expressiveness.

NFT Stickers are just one part of magical experiences we are creating to make web3 messaging truly unique. Last month we announced our Smart Message spec, paving the way for messaging experiences not possible in web2.

Smart Messages are a 100% open standard. With Smart Messages, any wallet-authenticated button on the web can be shared, and the recipient can take action right from the message 🪄

The Smart Message Spec extends Solana Pay, is live and in open alpha today, and we’re thrilled to announce that we’re working with 50+ ecosystem partners on the first smart messages. Interoperability is core to our vision for web3 messaging. That’s why our standard is open and available across Solana & Aptos, including Solflare, Martian, SolanaFM, Step Finance, Grape & SolSea. Smart Messages will be live in the Dialect app soon, in the meantime, read more about Smart Messages here.

At Dialect, we’re on a mission to make the best messaging experience on the internet. NFT Chat Stickers, Smart Messages, consumer-grade polish, and an innovative platform for developers is how we’re doing our part to bring web3 to the next billion users.

