Calling a contact with C#, Bandwidth and Azure

Daniel Tolbert
Dialed In
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2016

This tutorial will walk you through the Bandwidth Communications API Example App for calling a contact using one click deploy with Azure.


Init — on first page load

Search then order phone number

Calling Flow

Basic Call Flow Chart

Create outbound call and set the callbackURL to the server’s address

Play Audio after answer event

Wait until speak event is over and make 2nd call

Once 2nd call is answered, create bridge and place calls in bridge

Deploy and Demo


Click the ‘Deploy to Azure’ Button

Enter Bandwidth Communications API Credentials

After entering credentials, click next
Click the “Manage your resources” Link

At the Azure page click the app name under Summary

Then Open the Web App


Add a contact (with real phone number)

Add a contact

Click the “Click to Call” Button

Enter your phone number then click ‘Call’

Now that was easy!

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Daniel Tolbert
Dialed In

Computer Nerd. Beer Snob. Music Enthusiast. Idea Machine. Developer Evangelist for Telecommunications Expert.