[Archived] Our Story

D&D Editorial Team
Dialogue & Discourse
2 min readJun 16, 2018


This piece has been archived. Its contents may no longer reflect ongoing operations or characteristics of the publication.

We strive to provide a means for our readers to develop informed opinions regarding current events and issues of significance and to nurture thoughtful discussion on such issues, to aid in the creation of a dialogue between opponents of thought and belief in a time where our society suffers from intense tribalism and partisanship.

Our rigorous standards enable us to maintain a remarkably high and consistent level of quality. We have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity of working with some truly incredible individuals, including acclaimed professors, award-winning journalists and world-class scientists.

Our content is carefully curated with the consideration of maintaining a balanced amount of coverage that accounts for all perspectives, specifically on articles regarding political or controversial topics. We are not affiliated or in support of a particular political or social organization, as remaining unbiased is one of our primary objectives as a publication.

We are an international publication, comprised of writers from every continent and spanning across many of the world’s major cities. This includes the following countries of China, India, Bangladesh, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Ghana, Sudan, United Arabs Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq, Brazil, Australia, Germany, France, Poland, Belgium, Portugal, Romania, Italy, Greece, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, England, Scotland, Nicaragua, Cuba, Canada, and the United States.

People from anywhere in the world and from all walks of life are welcome and encouraged to join us.

View our submission guidelines.

We can be found on Twitter.

Feedback and inquires can be sent to dialoguediscourse@gmail.com.

