America Cannot Afford A Trade War With China

Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse


Avoiding a trade war with China must be the prime directive of American foreign policy. In fact, I do not think the United States could afford or survive a trade war with China.

Frighteningly, some elements in the Trump administration seem hell-bent on waging an all-out trade war with China. For instance, National Interest executive editor Harry J. Kazianis claims a few Trump officials want to “crush China,” in a bothersome American Conservative piece.

Kazianis claims an anonymous Trump official even told him, “America’s strategy when it comes to China is easy to understand: crush them. Drive them into the ground.”

Fortunately, Donald J. Trump’s (R-New York) behavior towards China has been very civil and restrained. However, just the hint that some Trump advisers hold such sentiments could poison America’s relationship with the People’s Republic.

America cannot afford a Trade War with China

We should fear “crush China rhetoric” because America cannot afford a trade war with China. In addition, I do not think the United States can afford any conflict with the People’s Republic.

An all-out trade War with China could lead to an economic crisis as bad as the Great Depression of the 1930s. To explain, the United…



Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse

Daniel G. Jennings is a writer who lives and works in Colorado. He is a lifelong history buff who is fascinated by stocks, politics, and cryptocurrency.