Branding America’s Atrocities

Douglas Balmain
Dialogue & Discourse


America is not falling victim to Fascism, we’re falling victim to our own nature.

Preface: This post is a response to the article written by umair haque entitled: America’s Collapsing Into Fascism Because Americans Still Don’t Understand Fascism.

[Photo by Simon Fairhurst on Unsplash]

I have to respectfully disagree with the opinion that America is devolving back into a Fascist state.

The cruelty and racism of America should not, and cannot, be understated. We have been grossly unjust, we have been brutal, and we have been savage. Our savagery continues.

Abroad, our professional military is used to invade less-powerful countries, to secure their resources for ourselves, and to force our own doctrines on their cultures. At home, our idolization of a superior Aryan-race continues not only to be entertained, but—by some—actively pursued. Freedom and Equality are nothing more than keywords that our nation uses for marketing purposes.

Not only did we kill Spaniards, Mexicans, British, and French—we saw fit to massacre and displace an entire race of indigenous peoples…and all before our nation’s borders were even defined. That list excludes the mass slaughter of our own people that we engaged in.

However, using Fascism as a whipping-boy to explain our nation’s violent past and/or our people’s inclination…

