Breakfast Is A Marketing Gimmick

It’s in the news for health reasons, but its true birth is marketing.

Erik Brown
Dialogue & Discourse
8 min readMay 17, 2019


Original Breakfast Marketing Campaign October 1944—

We’ve all been told that breakfast is the most important meal in the day. The line has been repeated so many times we all believe it. In recent times, science is starting to question this. However, the true story of breakfast involves a mixture of marketing, religion, and health fads.

Okay, mostly marketing. But, religion and health had a bit of a push in the beginning.

In our view of breakfast, we’ll examine the strange birth of the cereal industry. From the alternative medicine and religious roots to the giant industrial cereal industry of today — it’s an interesting story on its own. Then, we’ll slide into the birth of bacon and eggs from the mind of the father of propaganda.

Breakfast is an exercise in the art of marketing. It might be the most successful marketing campaign of all time. Just the statement “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” was dreamed up by a marketing team. So join me in this examination of breakfast and the roots of its creation.

Breakfast Appears And Creates Problems

