Can We Separate the Issues of Abortion and Rape?

C. M. Barrett
Dialogue & Discourse


And Who Suffers When We Do?

Many pro-choice activists and journalists argue that rape should not determine a woman’s right to abortion. In a May 17, 2019 Medium article, “Stop Bringing Up Rape to Discuss Abortion,” Stark Raving says:

“A woman’s rights should not depend on her sexual decisions. Whether she was raped, or chose to have sex and had a damn good time, is irrelevant to the fact that each individual should have a choice about who sets up camp in their uterus. To suggest otherwise is to cast judgement over women’s choices, to suggest that a woman who consensually had sex and fell pregnant deserves to be punished for her choice. The question of pregnancies through rape is irrelevant to the question of abortion.”

I recognize that many so-called pro-life activists waver on the question of rape and incest (which are far too often combined). Exemptions for these situations don’t address the fundamental issue of a woman’s right to choose.

I question, though, that the issue of rape is irrelevant to that of abortion. I don’t presume to have the answer. This article explores the possibility that we shouldn’t be so quick to separate these issues.

The Issues That Go Deeper Than the Right to Choice



C. M. Barrett
Dialogue & Discourse

Owned by cats. I write about anything that interests me, and I'm happy to report that the brain cells continue to fire with reassuring regularity.