Chinese government photo of visit with President Xi in Beijing, November 2017

Is 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Going To Be Russia Vs. China?

We can’t get the idea out of our heads. And since Trump put it there, we probably shouldn’t pay it much heed. Still, it’s intriguing…

Dialogue & Discourse
4 min readMay 12, 2019


Trump’s not suggesting it directly. But he keeps Tweeting away about how China backed away from a deal with him because:

China felt they were being beaten so badly in the recent negotiation that they may as well wait around for the next election, 2020, to see if they could get lucky & have a Democrat win.”

Of course, his core objective (as always), is to blame his failures on Democrats. And China trade is by no means an unequivocal “fail” yet. So at this point, Trump’s just trying to insulate himself should China remain steadfast, making him look bad. (One interesting side note: ALL the stories we’ve seen coming out of China’s state-run media since talks broke down emphasize one word: “dignity”. Which underscores the idea that China was unwilling to actually go and change its own laws on behest of the U.S.)



Eric J Scholl
Dialogue & Discourse

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report"