Politics Has Never Been So Divisive And Mean — Lies, It’s Been Worse

Erik Brown
Dialogue & Discourse


“wide road with vehicle traveling with white dome building” by Jorge Alcala on Unsplash

I try and avoid writing and talking about politics — specifically so on Medium. I prefer to concentrate on interesting stories that engage the imagination and encourage the reader to think. However, sometimes in your life you come across a recurring theme. This theme is repeated over and over and treated as if it’s gospel. It doesn’t matter if the theme is correct or not, it’s just repeated and if you argue with it, you’re thought of as a dunce.

This current theme I hear repeated by well-pressed suits with perfectly styled hair. These talking heads, claiming to be experts on politics, repeat this theme almost verbatim across the television channels. What is their current mantra they repeat?

Politics has never been so mean and divisive!

I’m not an expert on politics either, I’ll freely admit. However, I do consider myself a history nerd. So, I see a major problem with this often repeated mantra. Politics has always been messy, angry, and visceral. Even the genteel gentlemen of the past, who wore powdered wigs and dainty breeches, were terrible towards each other when fighting over political office or ideals.

Now, either these perfectly pressed talking heads are ignorant of these facts or are intentionally misleading the…

