Soon-To-Be Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan Heaped Praise On Trump At An October Meeting

Apparently That Made An Impression…

Dialogue & Discourse
3 min readDec 24, 2018


We could only find one public event where Trump and Deputy Defense Secretary Shanahan previously appeared together, which was a visit to an Air Force Base in Arizona in October. That visit also served as an unofficial campaign event for Republican Senate hopeful Martha McSally. She and Shanahan were seated on either side of the President. (McSally lost to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema in the general election, but will be coming to the Senate anyway: she was appointed by Arizona’s Republican Governor to serve the rest of John McCain’s term).

At this meeting, when the time came for everyone to go around the table and praise Trump, the former top Boeing Executive extolled the President’s advocacy of expanding sales of military equipment to foreign governments. He also credited Trump with the valuable counsel to “buy smart” when arming U.S. troops.

Here’s that clip:

Shanahan comes in on January 1st. Here are a couple of good biographies from Politico and the Washington Post.



Eric J Scholl
Dialogue & Discourse

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report"