The Carousel Was Originally A Training Tool For Death

Erik Brown
Dialogue & Discourse


Photo by Miles Storey on Unsplash

“The knowledge that makes us cherish innocence makes innocence unattainable.” — Irving Howe

How many times have you passed by one of these simple child’s rides? They’re almost universally present wherever you find a collection place of kids. The colorful horses, the simple carnival music, and the sounds of laughing are something I’m sure you’ve been exposed to. No matter how old you are, I’m sure you’ve ridden one of these amusement rides at some point in your life.

There’s something so innocent about the carousel.

I’m sure even looking at the picture in the beginning of this story has brought back some memories. For the vast majority of you, the memories will be pleasant. What could be dangerous about a carousel? Everything about the machine screams that it’s harmless and kind. From the slow moving horses, to the bright childlike colors, it brings you to a simple sort of calm. A calm of a peaceful world where all is good and well.

However, the carousel isn’t completely innocent in its nature. It comes from a bit of a dark past. It’s based off of a training tool for a hybrid man-horse killing machine called…

