The #DeniedMyVote Scandal Is The Ultimate Symptom Of EU Citizens’ Disenfranchisement Following The Brexit Referendum

After years of being made to feel voiceless and unwelcome in their own home, the voter suppression of EU citizens in the European elections comes as little surprise

Andrea Carlo
4 min readMay 24, 2019


European citizens in the UK have been disenfranchised since the very beginning of the Brexit process. From the days of the Referendum, they’ve been hurled around as part of a political game with a total disregard for their rights, livelihoods and basic sense of humanity, all the while having no say on their fate in this country. Over the last three years, EU nationals have been called everything from “bargaining chips” to “queue jumpers”, have been put through a degrading application system to stay in their own homes, and now, have seen their voting rights come under threat.

Hundreds of EU citizens throughout Britain have been reporting issues voting in yesterday’s European elections, being turned down for various reasons. On top of the standard registration, EU nationals (excluding those from Ireland, Malta or Cyprus) in the UK were required to fill in a UC1 form to confirm that they wouldn’t be voting in their country of citizenship. Nevertheless…



Andrea Carlo
Dialogue & Discourse

23-y/o Britalian, Oxford grad, published poet & singer/songwriter. Feminist, progressive & unafraid to share my views | Bylines: Indy, TIME, HuffPo, The Times