The Reality of Global Politics-Money, Oil & Lies

Laura Baize
Dialogue & Discourse


How you understand foreign policy decision making will forever change once you understand it’s all in the money

Photo by Chris Li on Unsplash

One very important thing I learned in my grad school intelligence courses was that to truly understand what the hell is going on in the world is to understand what the hell is going on within a culture. Immerse yourself. Know the culture, know customs, interactions, partnerships, religious beliefs, even understanding holidays is important.

If you don’t, you will look through the microscope with the wrong lens–yours–instead of seeing the world through their eyes, their understanding.

This understanding can sometimes lead to unmanageable spiderwebs of information that could throw you off track (hell, it could throw off entire regions). A second valuable lesson was to always ask why–how do those involved stand to benefit? What are their intentions? When you ask those questions, you will find your answer.

Global politics, international relations, whatever you want to call it, is complicated. It is complicated for the most educated analyst, but it sure is fun trying to connect the different pieces. Below is my short analysis of what I make of recent economic policy decisions and issued sanctions, based on what I know about our capitalistic culture.



Laura Baize
Dialogue & Discourse

Mindfulness | Personal Growth | Well-Being -- M.A. Social Sciences, Instagram @lauraebaize-- 15+ years financial industry-retired.