Why Mental Health Is The Perfect Argument For Climate Action

Our climate is inherently linked to our state of mind, with green spaces and cleaner air both proven to improve mental health. Mental health is a much more powerful and emotive topic than climate change, which, by contrast, fails to motivate and connect with the public. This then, either as a ploy by environmentalists, or inadvertently, could trigger action, to the benefit of the environment overall.

Dave Olsen
Dialogue & Discourse
3 min readFeb 25, 2019


Freiburg, in South-West Germany, is the perfect example of how climate action can benefit mental health (https://pixabay.com/en/freiburg-munster-breisgau-cathedral-1695648/)

It is clear, and has been for some time, that climate science fails to connect with the population, as I have written about before. Listening to drab descriptions of how the atmosphere warms up and how cutting trees down releases carbon into said atmosphere really isn’t doing it for people.

As I explain in the piece, people and their actions are so crucial to the fight against climate change and global warming. If we can’t mobilise the people to take their future into their own hands, we’ll get nowhere. That’s why environmentalism needs more emotional appeal, and the issue of mental health seems like the optimal and most legitimate way of adding this…



Dave Olsen
Dialogue & Discourse

Political and policy analysis | Operations Director, politika.org.uk | Student, University of Oxford | twitter.com/dave_olsen16