Dialogue City Episode #006: Helen Pike and Jeremy Klaszus on Journalism

Jeremy Z
Dialogue City
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2018

Two journalists recently sat down with Grant and Jeremy to talk about the crazy and wonderful world of journalism. This week’s podcast features Helen Pike from Metro Calgary and Jeremy Klaszus from the Sprawl. Helen and Jeremy both have surprisingly similar outlooks and aspirations when it comes to journalism. Helen works in a more familiar arena when we think about news. It’s tangible, tabloid format, and the traditional newspaper that we grab from a box or gets handed to us. Jeremy has created what he calls “pop-up” journalism, which is less tangible, comes and goes, and isn’t meant to replace to directly compete with newspapers like the Calgary Herald or Metro. While the Sprawl under Jeremy only produces articles infrequently or in spurts in order to be sustainable under a patron model, Helen at the Metro (along with her editor Darren) also realize that being able to adapt and be nimble in the world free online news can also have its potentials. We have conversations about fact checking, crowdfunding journalism, challenges in the newsroom, and the relatively optimistic outlook for the future of journalism.

Questions for our listeners to think about before, during, and after the podcast:

  • What can journalism do to address the state of the world as society itself goes through massive upheaval?
  • What is the role in society of media and journalism
  • Should big media corporations fail to make room for new journalism outlets?

We want to thank Helen and Jeremy for taking time out of their day to come chat with us. You can connect with Metro Calgary by visiting their website, Facebook, and Twitter, and The Sprawl by visiting their website, Facebook, and Twitter.

You can find this episode and more on iTunes, Google Play, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn. Reach us on Twitter, Facebook, and via email at dialoguecity@gmail.com.

Show notes

  1. Who was B. Smith? The non-story about Bill Smith being on flight manifests during the Calgary election by Metro Calgary can be found here: http://www.metronews.ca/news/calgary/2017/10/13/calgary-election-what-we-know-about-the-alberta-government-flight-manifests.html
  2. The male contraceptive story that our panelists refer can be found at the following links (do your own research, we’re just providing some links!)
    Efficacy and Safety of an Injectable Combination Hormonal Contraceptive for MenThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (the original study)
    Yes, contraceptives have side effects — and it’s time for men to put up with them too — The Independent
    Men Quit Male Birth Control Study Because It Was Giving Them Mood Swings — Cosmopolitan
    Did a Male Contraception Study Prove Men Are Wimps? Not Exactly — Popular Science
    Un-Contraceptive — Snopes
  3. Edmonton Quotient is “is an online magazine taking bigger picture looks at issues and news coverage in the city. It was started in February 2017 by Jeff Samsonow, a longtime journalist and media-maker who wanted to try and fill the growing gap in local news due to cuts in traditional newsrooms.”
  4. Joey Coleman is a crowdfunded city hall journalist via The Public Record based in the city of Hamilton
  5. Wire copy is “a copy sent to a newspaper, periodical, or news broadcast by a wire service.”
  6. Who is your favorite journalist? The link to the subreddit thread is located here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/comments/443vkx/which_local_journalists_do_you_enjoy_who_do_you/
  7. it was actually the Prince Alberta Daily Herald that was bought out by employees, not a newspaper in Moose Jaw. More information here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/prince-albert-daily-herald-lives-on-with-buyout-1.4452440

