32. Reality

Irving Stubbs
Dialogue Digest
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2020

Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind

Cannot bear very much reality.

T. S. Eliot — Burnt Norton

There are indications that Eliot was right. However, I believe that seeking and dealing with reality is needed to live up to the potential for which we are ordained.

With higher levels of consciousness, we become more inclusive and open to development. Getting to know one another as persons beyond the “garments” we wear — discovering tacit knowledge, the stuff below the surface — opening up closed systems in which different functions and expertise stimulate collaboration and innovation — and finding a larger intelligence with which to deal with heavy societal issues are ways to get us closer to reality. These are some of the benefits of transformational dialogue.

Medical doctor, neurologist, and neuroscientist, David O. Wiebers wrote Theory of Reality: Evidence for Existence Beyond the Brain and Tools for Your Journey. These gleanings from Wiebers invite a level of dialogue that could change our worldviews.

Our senses put us in touch with an explicit material order. The implicit order of complex energy is stretching our understanding of reality as we make discoveries through intuition, peak experiences, meditation and near-death-experiences.

When one chooses to bring higher-level motivations into experience (e.g., love, compassion, selflessness, forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude), as opposed to lower-level motivations (fear, guilt, greed, revenge, selfishness, jealousy), one becomes more coherent and open to other layers of higher-level consciousness that would otherwise be inaccessible.

Wiebers, the medical doctor, affirms that this heightened experience of consciousness contributes to good health and well-being. He adds, that there is the possibility of the transformation of consciousness, both individually and collectively. It’s important that it happens together — it’s got to be both. And, therefore, this whole question — of communication and the ability to dialogue, the ability to participate in communication — is crucial.”

For more about this dialogue mission, please visit: https://dialogue4us.com.

