Diamond Hands releases an alpha version of Shiro Wallet, an RGB wallet on Umbrel

Koji Higashi
Diamond Hands
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2023

Diamond Hands has released an alpha version of Shiro Wallet, a web wallet compatible with the RGB protocol.

RGB is a scalable and confidential smart contracts system for Bitcoin and Lightning. Development around RGB has been very active especially as of late and LNP/BP standards association has recently announced a release of RGB ver0.1.0, significant updates on the protocol.

There are already a few other RGB-compatible wallets such as Iris Wallet for mobile, but Shiro is the first RGB wallet on Umbrel, a popular Bitcoin node management platform.

You can install Shiro Wallet on Umbrel by typing in the link below on the Umbrel’s community app stores page.


Shiro wallet is a web-server wallet, and can be integrated easily with other services by calling endpoints for the wallet.

Shiro at the current form is still very rough and alpha and only available on testnet for now. Nonetheless, you can issue, send and receive fungible RGB tokens, allowing you to experiment with the protocol and gain first hand experience.

The source code for Shiro Wallet is all open-sourced and available on our github repositories.

Shiro Backend

Shiro Frontend


Also, Shiro Wallet is one of the first wallets built on rgb-lib, a Rust library which provides tools to build cross-platform RGB compatible wallets in a simple fashion, without having to worry about Bitcoin and RGB internals.

This is our first attempt to research and develop on RGB, trying to gain a better understanding of the protocol, tooling and the ecosystem ourselves.

We will continue to get involved and monitor its development and look forward to its potential to bring more scalable and private smart contract capabilities to Bitcoin and Lightning.

For anyone interested in knowing more about RGB and/or tokens on Bitcoin in general, Diamond Hands has published research slides a while ago. It’s a good primer to understand the overview of technology and use cases. I recommend checking it out as well.

“Emergence of Token Layers on Bitcoin: Overview of Client-Side Validation, RGB and Taro”

On to the next tasks to advance Bitcoin and Lightning…

