Get Ready for Unibot V2

Diamond Protocol
Diamond Protocol
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2023

After the initial success of Unibot, we’re excited to announce we are launching Unibot V2 very soon. You can expect to see many improvements with V2 with a focus on allowing users to achieve higher returns, track their ROI and progress more effectively, and increasing fee APR all while also experimenting with new trading pairs and a higher degree of automation. We will first open V2 to a select group from our community and then open it up to the community as a whole through another round of closed BETA.

Unibot V1 Results

UniBot v1 is currently in the closed beta version, and we have made some great achievements during the 3-month closed-beta phase. Here are some on-chain stats that show Unibot’s progress:

We have accumulated more than $8.8M in trading volume.

We have more than 1k unique users actively providing liquidity on UniBot.

We have helped our users earn more than $50,000 in fee income.

Unibot’s Strenghts

High Capital Efficiency

Borrowing from Diamond Pool has increased the capital efficiency of liquidity providers to 200%+ (200% cap efficiency for 2x leverage ratio), while implementing the same strategy with other lending protocols (e.g., AAVE) will lead to a 30–40% capital efficiency due to over-collateralization.

Flexibility in Strategy Implementation

Before Diamond Protocol, LPs on Uniswap could either have positive delta positions or build delta-neutral positions with low capital efficiency. With UniBot, users can build V3 positions with their desired delta exposure based on their market forecasts.

Single Asset Liquidity Provision

All of the vaults in Diamond are denominated in a single asset and accept only depositing a single asset to open V3 positions. Investors can build Uniswap V3 positions without supplying the volatile assets and implicitly hedge the exposure.


Inherently, V3 positions must be actively managed as prices often go out of range. Still, there aren’t too many useful tools in the market that help users manage their liquidity positions at their will. Our products can solve this pain point currently existing in the market, as Diamond Automated Vaults are auto-rebalanced, and vaults created from Diamond Factory can automatically stop loss.

Potentially High APY

With concentrated liquidity and high trading volume, providing liquidity in Uniswap V3 potentially generates higher yields for investors. By leveraging the assets from Diamond Pool, yields can go even higher due to the leverage.

For the WETH-USDC pair on Arbitrum, based on our backtesting results, investors can get 100%-200% fee APY for a 15% range liquidity provision position with 2X leverage.

What Else Can you Expect for Unibot V2?

Moving forward users can expect:

  • In Unibot v2, we can support any Uniswap pools. We will create multiple Pools for lenders and Factories for liquidity providers. It’s time to earn more real yields through UniBot v2.
  • UniBot v1 is deployed on Arbitrum. For UniBot v2, we will still deploy it on Arbitrum first, and we will deploy it on multiple Layer 2 and blockchains as the protocol moves forward.
  • There are more advanced strategies for Automated Vaults that are currently being backtested by the team, and we plan to launch them step by step. Also, we are looking forward to seeing professional traders and institutions develop better trading strategies utilizing UniBot’s infrastructure and creating their Vaults on UniBot v2.
  • Protocols will be able to create their Pools and deposit their tokens. In this way, they can earn passive income with their token and allow liquidity providers to borrow against it to help the market make their Uniswap v3 Pool. This is a win-win scenario for the DeFi world. Since fragmented liquidity is a serious issue in DeFi, we aim to be the bridge that connects both ends of liquidity.
  • There will be a Referral Program as an incentive to bootstrap organic growth or UniBot v2. We will reward the referrer and referee with a percentage of the performance fee.
  • We aim to make the UniBot a sustainable and decentralized protocol governed by the community.

Want in?

At the moment, Unibot V2 is only available for Unibot VIPs — To get the role, you need to:

  • Deposit 4 +ETH in the Pool and earn an interest of 0.1 ETH to become a VIP
  • Have at least 5000 USDC in Factory vaults and earn a minimum of 100 dollars in Uniswap Fees


  • Special NFT distribution to those with the role assigned.
  • Custom voting on product features or other matters.
  • Early access to BETA or any product updates.
  • 1–1 strategy calls



Diamond Protocol
Diamond Protocol

Diamond is a modular vault protocol where DeFi strategists can build and deploy on-chain strategies without ever writing a line of code.