Beyond the Red Carpet: The Source of a Diamond’s Sparkle

By: Sarah Gorvitz

During awards season, diamonds will be lighting up the red carpet, reminding us of the allure and elegance diamonds possess. We all love diamonds for their sparkle, but there’s more to diamonds than their physical beauty. In an era where consumer purchasing decisions are intertwined with environmental and ethical considerations of products, diamond producers have risen to the challenge –undergoing a profound transformation in the way they operates over the last 20 years.

Like the sentimental ring Prince Harry purchased for Meghan Markle from Botswana, when people buy a diamond, they’re supporting the livelihood of more than 10 million people. In fact, diamonds contribute $8.4 billion per year to African economies alone, and billions more around the world. Revenue from diamond producers has enabled local governments to invest in public healthcare, education, roads, electricity and sanitation, such as in Botswana. Because of diamonds, this country of 2 million people has transformed its infrastructure, moving from only six miles of paved roads to 7,000 miles today.

The diamond industry’s impact on local communities is not just limited to people; it helps protect wildlife and nature. From ensuring the quality of the Coppermine River to protecting the caribou in the Northwest Territories of Canada, diamond producers spearhead a broad array of innovative initiatives in sustainability — helping to conserve hundreds of thousands of acres of land and natural resources. Nature is irreplaceable and modern diamond producers are dedicated to protecting it.

The transformation of diamond producers didn’t happen overnight. It took 20 years and major investments from companies to strengthen healthcare and employee training programs. During this process, diamond producers have dedicated resources to providing employees with competitive compensation, which is on average 519 percent more than the benchmark for living wages. Additionally, these companies have invested in educational opportunities for community members. Diamond lovers can feel good knowing that the investment they make in a beautiful diamond will contribute to a partnership that provides free primary and secondary education to every child in Botswana.

Whether it’s diamonds on the red carpet or the family heirloom in your jewelry drawer, diamonds represent much more than a beautiful statement piece — they truly are a power for good. Every diamond wearer can be proud of the remarkable impact that they have had on diamond communities around the world!



Diamond Producers Association
Stories Behind the Brilliance of Diamonds

Comprised of the world’s leading diamond mining companies, the Diamond Producers Association promotes the integrity and reputation of diamonds.