Alrosa on its Innovative Environmental Initiatives

From the jungle to the tundra, diamonds are found in some of the most remote locations on earth. In honor of World Environment Day, this article highlights the important ways that diamond producers are working to protect the wildlife and wilderness where they work.

By Polina Anisimova, Head of ALROSA Environmental Center

Working in the diamond industry teaches you a lot about beauty and toughness. These two seemingly different concepts describe the conditions of Yakutia — where diamond mines are operated — very well. Nature hides the treasure of its beauty in a deep, hard-to-reach interior.

Yakutia is a Russian Far East region, the largest in the country, with a population density of 0.31 per square kilometer. The climate in Yakutia is very harsh. While accessible transportation is limited in several regions, depending on the season, visitors will quickly find that there’s a lot to take in. Forests, rivers, mountains and valleys create a sublime landscape. The people here are very hospitable. The Yakuts have formed a unique cultural dialogue between nature and humans, and nature and society. They have created many programs to respect their native land. They consider that nature is living; every object on earth — ground, water, air, sun — has its own spirits and inner power.

Over the years, ALROSA has invested heavily in efforts to ensure its operations leave a limited environmental footprint. We have carefully considered the ways that we can give back to a place that has given us so much — such as our reindeer collar program and fish biodiversity initiative, which protect vulnerable wildlife. Creation and development of the Yakutia Diamonds Live natural park, where different animals live and receive care, focuses on the recruitment and direct participation of residents in wildlife.

While many people know that Russia’s wilderness is big and beautiful, few have had the opportunity to witness its diversity and wealth firsthand. For that reason, ALROSA launched the “Give Nature Eternity” photo contest — which allows contestants to use the art of photography to illustrate the natural diversity of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), the unique animal world within it, and the culture of indigenous people who call it home. The competition features four categories: Animals of the Sakha Republic; Nature and the World around Us; Scene Shots; and the Lifestyle of Indigenous People.

This contest, which coincided with Russia’s “Year of the Environment,” has allowed us to raise public awareness around the importance of preserving natural beauty and ensuring a careful attitude toward it, as well as to raise modern society’s interest in the origin of Yakutia’s indigenous population. Through the photo contest, we’ve been able to share a wide range of photography that emphasizes the value that nature provides for humans, and the unique beauty, power and richness of the northern territories.

Six winners of the contest were selected at the end of last year; they were awarded certificates to purchase electronic and photographic equipment, through which they will be able to further develop their talent. We invite everyone to visit the website of this contest ( to learn more about Yakutia and share its beauty with your friends and family.

This is not the only creative contest that we have developed to draw attention to the issue of environmental protection. The photo competition was held for adults, but in 2017, we also held two competitions for children. For the youngest group, kindergarteners, we organized a contest called “I am a small part of a big world,” and schoolchildren participated in a creative competition — the “Green Sakha with love for nature” exhibition.

By organizing these competitions, we were able to involve children in studying the nature of their native land, develop feelings of connection to environmental problems, cultivate a caring attitude toward living things, and form the beginnings of ecological culture. We are glad that a very large number of children took part in these competitions and shared our aspirations with us.

World Environment Day presents the global community with an opportunity to think deeply about nature and all it provides us. Good stewardship and corporate culture have long been central tenets of our work at ALROSA, and through the “Give Nature Eternity” project, we are hopeful that we’ll be able to promote this sense of appreciation to audiences far and wide.

About Polina Anisimova

Polina Anisimova, Head of ALROSA Environmental Center, was driven to pursue an education in ecology by two burning questions: “how can we protect the earth?” and “who are we protecting the earth from?” Those two fundamental questions launched Polina into a 15-year career in ecology, leading her to her current position as Head of ALROSA Environmental Center. Throughout the entirety of her career, Polina’s belief that man is not the king of nature, but rather its tenant, has not wavered and continues to inspire the work she does today.



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