Books I Read in 2015

Diana Kimball Berlin
Diana Kimball Berlin


Book lists are an annual tradition for me. For the past two weeks, I’ve been assembling my 2015 book list as a slow-burn tweetstorm. After reacquainting myself with all 28 books I read this year—plus three audiobooks!—here are my six favorites:

And here’s the full list:

  1. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, by Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter
  2. Agency, by Rick Webb
  3. The Hard Thing About Hard Things, by Ben Horowitz
  4. Playing Big, by Tara Mohr
  5. Mental Traps, by Andre Kukla
  6. H is for Hawk, by Helen Macdonald
  7. The Charisma Myth, by Olivia Fox Cabane
  8. Creating Flow With OmniFocus 2, by Kourosh Dini
  9. How to Invest Your Time Like Money, by Elizabeth Grace Saunders
  10. Better Than Before, by Gretchen Rubin
  11. The Folded Clock, by Heidi Julavits
  12. Women in Clothes, by Sheila Heti, Heidi Julavits, Leanne Shapton, and 639 others
  13. Agile Excellence for Product Managers, by Greg Cohen
  14. The Argonauts, by Maggie Nelson
  15. Man V. Nature, by Diane Cook
  16. Bluets, by Maggie Nelson
  17. the buddhist, by Dodie Bellamy
  18. The Power of Glamour, by Virginia Postrel
  19. The Diamond Age, by Neal Stephenson
  20. Meaty, by Samantha Irby
  21. How Music Got Free, by Stephen Witt
  22. The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron
  23. Community, by Peter Block
  24. I Feel Bad About My Neck, by Nora Ephron
  25. Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehesi Coates
  26. Stories of Your Life and Others, by Ted Chiang
  27. Rising Strong, by Brené Brown
  28. Men Explain Things to Me, by Rebecca Solnit
  29. Tiny Beautiful Things, by Cheryl Strayed (audiobook)
  30. Wild, by Cheryl Strayed (audiobook)
  31. Why Not Me?, by Mindy Kaling (audiobook)

Once more, in tweetstorm form:

Read any books you loved this year? Tell me all about them by responding on Medium or sending me a link over Twitter. Or, add me on GoodReads—I plan to use it a lot more in 2016, thanks to a strong case made by John Manoogian.

See you next year!



Diana Kimball Berlin
Diana Kimball Berlin

Early-stage VC at Matrix Partners. Before: product at Salesforce, Quip, SoundCloud, and Microsoft. Big fan of reading and writing.