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Diana Kimball Berlin
Diana Kimball Berlin
Reading, writing, and what happens in between.
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Two Weeks of Twitter

Twitter, for me, started during ROFLCon. Ever since, it’s been an easy experiment: I like trying to figure out how it works. So far, here’s what I’ve got:

Twitter is a good break from wordiness. In a conversation earlier this week, I compared it to taking a picture a day: trying to…


Not too long ago, Facebook banished the mandatory “is” from its status updates feature. Now, the “is” is optional.


In my experience, grammars of the internet evolve around the constraints at hand. Before we had yellow emoticons, we had typographical ones. When technology itself evolves to…


Having just experienced the excitement overload that was Futures of Entertainment 2, I was relieved to come across the Future of Reading today. Only one future! And only one form of entertainment! Now that, I can manage.

However, after diving into this Future of Reading — a Newsweek article focused on…