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Diana Kimball Berlin
Diana Kimball Berlin
Reading, writing, and what happens in between.
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The Felt Internet

Highlights from Magic and Loss: The Internet as Art

Consuming art [on the Internet] feels like truancy, like something shady, something you shouldn’t be doing. And this is…

Books I Read in 2014

December 17, 2015: Since book list season—the most wonderful time of the year—is upon us again, I’m reposting last year’s list to get things started. Follow along as I build my 2015 book list on Twitter.

A Decent Digital Commonplace Book System

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been looking for a sustainable commonplace book system. My ideal system would be:

  1. Broad. Because I read online articles and ebooks in equal measure, an ideal system would address both.

Books I’ve Read Lately (Spring 2013)

Books are a huge part of my life, and so every now and then, I like to step back and take stock of the pages I’ve turned. I last stepped back in January, so the edge of July felt like a good time take stock again.