Diana Is Taking Blockchain To the Moon — Literally

An A-Z Introductory Guide to Diana, a Blockchain Lunar Registry

As night falls, you look up to the sky, and there you find that steady gleaming rock, bright with white light — the moon. Days pass, our lives change, yet the moon is always there, smiling down at both our victories and our travails.

The question of who owns the moon may seem strange to consider, but it’s a question that has been considered many times throughout the ages. However, as human civilization advances technologically while exponentially increasing in population, the time for revisiting the question of lunar ownership is becoming relevant again.

In 1967, the United Nations established an Outer Space Treaty which, amongst other things, forbade any nation from claiming sovereign ownership over the moon. As of today, every nation with space-faring capabilities has signed it, bringing the total number of countries adhering to the treaty to 102. So, while most nations appear to be in accord over keeping the moon a place free from nation-state ownership, it doesn’t account for private and/or corporate claims to ownership.

The rise of private spaceflight companies such as Blue Origin, Scaled Composites, SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic means private claims to the lunar surface and resources found therein are more close at hand than ever before. When private companies and individuals lay claim to the valuable resources (such as helium–3, an important energy source) found on the moon, it’s the public who will lose.

But wait why does the public lose if private entities or nations begin exploiting the moon?

Diana Is Decentralizing Moon Ownership

The moon, along with places like the deep ocean, is a location of common heritage for all of humanity. This means that the moon is not a place that can (or should be) exploited for the gains of any one private interest. Instead, a location of common heritage should be owned by one and all, and if there is any gain to be made from it, that gain should be distributed evenly and equally.

As such, we’ve introduced Diana, a project for decentralizing the ownership of the moon away from privatizing forces and back toward people everywhere. Diana is a blockchain-based public registration system for asserting humanity’s common ownership over the moon. By asserting our right of ownership over the moon as a publicly-held common good, we the people ensure that private interests can’t push aside the power of the people in the near future.

Just as private individuals like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos are preparing the ground for moon exploration and exploitation (he spends $100 million annually on space industry efforts), we the people also prepare to resist. Diana is the beginning of that resistance, and is the way we will keep an immutable record of who has an inalienable stake in lunar ownership.

How Diana’s Lunar Registration Blockchain Works

The notion of registering for your very own piece of the moon may seem far-fetched, but the tools for doing are very down to Earth.

1. Diana is partitioning the moon and creating unique blockchain-based addresses for each cell. Cells are formed on the basis of the Goldberg polyhedron algorithm, resulting in 3.8742 billion cells in total. However, because Diana is only offering registration for the visible side of the moon, cells available for registration amount to 2 billion. For each moon cell, there is 1 DIA token. DIA tokens represent ownership of the cell and correspondingly number 3.8742 billion (total supply).

2. Using cadastral mapping and an intuitively simple user-interface, you can choose a parcel and lay claim to it. The registration fee shifts dynamically according to the section for which you are registering. Section 1 through 7 have the lowest registration fees, whereas section 8 to 17 are higher and are reserved for those trading moon claims.

3. Diana has a dual token system. DIA tokens are used for creating registration claims and representing lunar land ownership, whereas MOND tokens are used for internal network transacting and are pegged 1:1 with the USD. In this way, MOND tokens remain stable and make a perfect Diana network-based digital currency.

The Diana blockchain records each registration and can never be repealed, edited, or otherwise modified in any way. Because Diana is issued on the Ethereum network, and Ethereum is, along with Bitcoin, the most widely decentralized network in existence, it is immutably secure and will stand the test of time. Therefore, you can rest assured that you can pass your lunar claims onto your children and grandchildren.

Join the Diana movement now and become one of the first moon citizens in history. Register today at Diana.io, or visit us on Twitter, Facebook, or Medium.



DIANA, the world's First Blockchain Moon Registry

Diana Project is a way for us to gain back control and ownership of what is ours and not be side-lined.