viva diana
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2018

The reasons for us using the ‘art-alternative’ for a while

1. To Return Power to the People

Nobody knows the identity of the person who invented the first cryptocurrency.

But now the block chain is affecting everyone in a way.

Examining the nature of the blockchain itself, it’s about making sure regular people are included in architecting the new ecosystem.

It’s about decentralizing power.

It’s about how to create the new world together.

It is NOT about one person or group coming out and dominating.

We believe the Diana project correctly implements the essence of the blockchain.

Through the DIANA project, we will work together with citizens around the world to mobilize the civil movement to consolidate rights to the MOON.

Behind this, there is the Diana team of different ethnic, cultural and national backgrounds with the same enthusiasm.

In short, the Diana team is building the blockchain to benefit mankind as a whole without race, border, or gender discrimination.

This is the first reason we stay ‘incognito’ for a while.

We believe the Diana is a new paradigm for Inclusion.

The last thing Diana team wants is the power of the blockchain to be gobbled up by greedy corporations and capital, so we’re building a place where regular people can come together to organize and execute MOON ownership activities together.

2. To get undivided attention

We’ve put in a lot of effort and care deeply about the Diana project.

We want to get your undivided attention it deserves.

This is another reason we decided to stay a bit in ‘The other side of the moon’.

However, we are considering opening up our team photos, and show our faces to the world in the 2nd phase of our DAO team.

We’re looking forward to the amazing new things people can achieve with DIANA, and invite everyone to join us on telegram https://t.me/diana_en

