How can blockchain change the MOON

viva diana
Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2018

In today’s world, capital and talent from around the world is being put towards lunar exploration and development.

-Nations’ space race is under way as China has jumped into the space race with an enormous amount of capital, following in the footsteps of the US, Russia and Europe.● Luna27: The European Union and Russia plan to set up an inhabitable settlement on the moon● Moon Village project: A project to build a village on the moon by the European Space Agency International Lunar Exploration Research Center-Searching for prosperity in space, the world's most powerful private companies are expanding their economic spheres to the moon Mankind's history proves that the wealth goes to those who open up new frontiers. As resources are depleted on the earth, it is no longer easy to accumulate wealth by opening up new frontiers, and the world's leading companies with the greatest accumulation of technological capital are turning their eyes to the moon. These seek to amass a great deal of wealth by opening the frontiers of space, just as in the great age of exploration.● Blue origin: A project to exploit moon resources. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, invests $100 million per year in this project.● Moon Express: A lunar resource-mining company set up by American entrepeneur Naveen Jain● Blue Planet Foundation: Tetris developer Henk Rogers formed the International Moon Base Alliance (IMA) and International MoonBase Summit together with world space agencies, enterprises and universities to move forward with this moon exploitation business● Google's Lunar X Prize, Space X, China's Chang'e etc.

But why?

This is because the moon has an accumulation of minerals that can bring tremendous wealth and has the potential to be the new place for people from the earth.

-There are many minerals buried in the moon, such as helium-3, expected to be a future energy source for use in nuclear fusion, as well as titanium, iron and aluminum.-Terraforming the moon to remodel it into a suitable environment for human habitation is one proposal for perpetuation of the human race after escape from an earth that will eventually be overpopulated as Dr. Hawking warned.

But how do we decide who owns the moon and hence, the wealth that comes with it?

So far, nobody does. No single nation or group can call it their property.

Article 2 of the UN Outer Space Treaty

Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.

The UN adopted a separate agreement for the moon in 1979, according to which the moon and natural resources buried therein are the common heritage of mankind.

However, some important countries such as the US and Russia refused to ratify this agreement.

In short, we can expect to see some disputes over ownership of the outer space and the moon in the near future.

● If this is mankind’s common heritage, why can’t citizens get involved but the central organs we call countries can?

● Is not the property of everyone also the property of anyone?

● If a central organ(country) obtains the rights, will the benefits be properly distributed to mankind?

What happened if we don’t assert our ownership over what is ours?

We end up abandoning it.

Now, would you just silently look on if someone were to take your assets from you before your very eyes?

You won’t!

And that is why the mankind needs a solution to define the ownership of the moon.

The Diana Project, a way for us to get back in the driver's seat and not be pushed aside.**

The Diana project is birthed to decentralize ownership through group participation of citizens and an issue of the Cosmic Crypto Currency to actualize the citizens’ revolution of the extra-terrestrial resources.

So we have to assert our collective rights to the moon to create a basis and get involved.

How do we assert our collective rights to the moon?

We can reclaim our collective rights to the moon by;

Creating the Basis:

◈Build a lunar registration system

◈Registration by public participation

◈Registration is based on blockchain with everyone recorded

The registration records are permanent but their being forgotten by the public has no meaning

◈Designing a token economy

◈Issuance of Diana when registered

◈The road map focusing Diana as a currency to circulate the story in everyday life

