MarsCoin? Elon Musk, Learn from Diana

  • Musk Shows Willingness to Include MarsCoin in Mars Terraforming Project
  • People Show Interest in Maximizing Profits by Linking Cryptocurrency to Space Businesses
  • Conflict of Fairness Arises Due to Private Ownership of Extraterrestrial Territories
  • Diana Blockchain Project Presents Solution for Space Assets
  • World Citizens Can Revolutionize Space Assets for Just $1 Each

After incorporating Bitcoin as a payment method for Tesla, Elon Musk has expressed his willingness to operate the economy on Mars using cryptocurrency. His tweet sparked tremendous support from twitter users, saying, “MarsCoin will be the best cryptocurrency.” This move is another indicator of Musk’s obsession with new technologies. His obsession with new technologies from the Internet to electric cars, hyperloop, and space development seems to have shifted toward blockchain technology.

As the terraforming of Mars, which entails building a self-sufficient city on Mars, becomes materialized, the issuance of a currency that can be used within the Musk Empire appears to be absolutely necessary. If MarsCoin is issued, it may garner the interest of individual investors due to Elon Musk’s social and financial influences.

Is cryptocurrency appropriate for payment systems in space?

As it would be difficult to use real money in space, blockchain-based payment methods capable of supporting various application types as well as smart contracts and asset registries will be useful. Meanwhile, as blockchain-based currency is a framework of payment methods that are not controlled by financial authorities, if Musk develops his own cryptocurrency to establish a payment infrastructure, there would be no restrictions on maximizing profits by building the Musk Empire on Mars and linking to businesses. Since the domination of money in a market is the same as private ownership of a market, the absence of the concept of commonly owned space assets has the potential to arouse public outrage.

If other planets are conquered, who will own the land?

The space development industry inevitably gives rise to a conflict of fairness. If Musk’s plan to build a city on Mars and build a new civilization is for the purpose of profit generation, there will be no real benefits for the whole of mankind. This is despite the fact that space territory is clearly a common heritage of mankind.

Therefore, unless it is Musk’s dream to conquer space territory with technology and dominate it, the design of MarsCoin requires an approach that knocks down the traditional pillars of the market. The answer is presented by ‘Diana’, which is the first blockchain technology in the world to connect the entire human race to the Moon. This is because Diana sets out based on the human-centric question of, “Is there any way for humanity to enjoy the benefits of the common heritage of mankind that is the Moon?”

System for Assetizing and Monetizing Lunar Territory, Diana

Diana is pioneering a whole new level of securing consensus and digital records in the registration and trading of the lunar territory, a common asset of mankind. It is the first blockchain-based platform that aims to solidify mankind’s rights to space assets, regarding which the possibility of ownership disputes is increasing.

In order to emphasize the fact that the tremendous value obtained from the Moon is a common asset that humanity should enjoy together, Diana applies an algorithm to build a cadastral map of the Moon and a registration system, and it can also be used to pay for goods and services. The procedure is also very simple. All you have to do is visit Diana ( and register as a co-owner of as much of the Moon as you want. Diana is an innovative land asset-based cryptocurrency and an open project involving the citizens of the world and has been awarded a patent in recognition of such innovation(Patent no. 1021571710000, SYSTEM FOR TRADING SHARE BASED ON BLOCKCHAIN FOR OWNER NON-SPECIFIC COMMON ASSETS AND METHOD THEREOF).

With the rapid development of technology, the space development race has become a neck-in-neck contest. Diana has recently drawn keen attention as a solution to ensure that space territories belong to the citizens of the world. An official at Diana said, “The battle for space assets will become more intense in the future. For every dollar, the citizens of the world can agree and guarantee that Moon belongs to the whole human race.” He added that Diana would cooperate with Elon Musk if asked to help in designing MarsCoin.



DIANA, the world's First Blockchain Moon Registry

Diana Project is a way for us to gain back control and ownership of what is ours and not be side-lined.