
Moon Shot Thinking Project; DIANA

The world’s first moon registry public Blockchain is none other than the DIANA project. While you may not have heard of this project, there is so much that will surely pick your interest as you read through.

Simply put, the vital thing to know about this project is that it is a major way for citizens from all works of life to gain back the control and ownership of what truly belongs to us and not be side-lined anymore.

What Is DIANA?

To better understand what this whole project is all about, we will first of all have to gain a general understanding of what DIANA truly is.

First of all, the DIANA project is conceptualized strictly to decentralize ownership of the moon via group participation of the world’s citizens as well as an issue of the cosmic virtual currency in a bid to actualize the revolution of human’s extra-terrestrial resources.

On a general note, DIANA aims to create a platform that strictly functions on the Blockchain system since the Blockchain is capable of recording the details of every single person.

Once registration is complete, users are given a token known as the DIA token.

What Is Moon Shot Thinking?

This is a type of thinking that aims to achieve great feats that are generally believed to be impossible to achieve.

Moon shot thinking has a special way of motivating teams to think big by framing problems as solvable and encouraging “anything is possible” dialogues around how to solve such problems.

The beautiful thing about moon shot thinking is that the idea is not just about making something 100% better than it already is, rather it’s about making the idea 100 times better.

Moon shots deal with massive improvement and not just small improvements over time.

In this article, you will find out what the blockchain technology is, and the properties that make it so unique. The information contained in this article would inspire you to become a part of the community.

The Aim Of The DIANA Project

Human’s universal heritage cuts across the whole world, starting from Antarctica and moving to the Arctic. However, no known country has ever bragged about being the owner of some vital features the world has.

There is no other option than to share this heritage amongst ourselves as a distinct owner cannot be found. But, what we do not really know is that while we think there are no owners, some nations of the world are working in silence trying to gain total ownership of this heritage that belongs to everyone.

This is why you may have heard of national treaties that stop countries from claiming complete sovereignty over this universal heritage.

There are lots of Moon projects that can testify of the existing minerals and some other resources that have been found on the moon. This is surely a clear sign of how fierce the struggle will be if a particular country can get hold of this ownership.

The DIANA Project And Blockchain

Since we have established the fact that the DIANA project seeks to give everyone on Earth the opportunity to be a part of this amazing heritage, you may be wondering how this is going to be possible.

The DIANA project will not be able to achieve this feat without the aid of Cryptocurrency and its notable Blockchain technology.

· It is transparent and secure

The platform has been built on top of the popular Blockchain system, and this makes it rated among one of the most transparent and secure computerized eco-system.

Users will not have to worry about attacks from hackers or cyber manipulators who never mean well for users of such platforms. The platform is free of all these cyber-attacks.

· Decentralization

If there is only one thing to know about Blockchain technology, it is the fact that it is heavily decentralized. With the DIANA project built on the system, the project is surely decentralized as well.

DIANA And The Blockchain Technology

While we have seen the features of DIANA, we may as well link its features with that of Blockchain for a clearer understanding of how serious this project actually is.

Blockchain technology has been in existence for quite a number of years. Also, it has remained in the spotlight branching across virtual currencies and being used in diverse fields.

Even as the technology is gradually transforming the world, there are people with mixed feelings towards it though nobody can clearly underestimate its active role in the universal economic landscape.

Meanwhile, Blockchain came to the spotlight through the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. However, though Bitcoin has carved a niche for itself, it successfully drew our attention to Blockchain Technology.

One thing you should have in mind is that Blockchain technology is not just a mere backup network for virtual currencies because it offers so much more. From cutting across so many fields, the technology is finally on the DIANA project.

Some of its noteworthy features and how it relates to the DIANA moon Shot thinking project includes:

· It cannot be corrupted

While there are so many intriguing features of the Blockchain, immutability is rated among its key features. Immutability simply means a thing that cannot be altered or changed.

This is a vital feature that makes the Blockchain remain just the way it is. It is a permanent network that can never be altered. Also, instead of depending on centralized authorities or government entities, it depends on a collection of nodes.

Since the aim of the DIANA project is to bring ownership to every one of Earth’s citizen and not to be side-lined, we can clearly see how with the aid of Blockchain, the project will not have to depend on the government or any other authority.

Blockchain functions with ledgers. Each of these nodes has its own copy of the computerized ledger. To add a transaction, the nodes check on its validity, and if they think it is valid, it is added to the ledger.

All these aids in promoting transparency and makes the system corrupt-proof. The DIANA project is transparent, as well. Users on the network cannot edit, update, or delete anything on the system.

· Decentralized Technology

Decentralization means that the network does not have any authority governing it or a particular person looking after the system and calling the shots. Instead, it is the nodes that have been explained above that maintains the network.

Simply put, Blockchain places the users in a position that is straight-forward. Since there are no governing bodies, users can always access the system online and keep every one of their assets on the system.

Anything can be stored on the system starting from virtual currencies, vital documents, valuable computerized assets, and even contracts. Thanks to Blockchain, users will have direct control over their assets via a private key.

Like the aim of the DIANA project, the decentralized feature of Blockchain aims to give citizens their rights and power back on their assets.

Also note that Blockchain is very useful to the Moon Shot thinking project in other ways, including:

1. The system is organized and highly fault-tolerant

2. Users will have control over every one of their properties. No need to depend on intermediaries to maintain their assets

3. It is less susceptible to any breakdown

4. Blockchain runs on algorithms, and this means that no one will scam the users of the DIANA token

5. Any change that takes place on the Blockchain is seen by all

Generally, Blockchain has an authentic nature and gives hackers a very hard time trying to crack the system.

· It is irreversible

It is more than impossible to change or reverse anything that has been on the Blockchain. Any change made, no matter how small can lead to an entirely different ID.

The process of trying to access and hack thousands if not millions of computers is highly impossible and very costly.

· Consensus

The Blockchain system thrives simply because of its consensus algorithm. Every Blockchain has its own consensus that helps the network in making decisions.

Simply explained, this consensus is a process of making decisions for the nodes that are active on the network.

The nodes all agree fast. It is similar to a voting system where the majority wins, and the minority has no choice but to support it.

DIANA DIA Token And ICO Details

As for the DIANA token and its IEO; initial exchange offering, there will be two tokens issued based on the protocol of ERC20. The two tokens aim to serve different purposes actively.

The tokens are known as:

· DIA, and;


For the DIA Token, it will serve as the registration token, and for the MOND token, it will be responsible for every transaction on the platform.

DIA Token is an indivisible token, and it has a certificate role of showcasing the fact that registration has taken place already. As for MOND, the token functions like virtual currency, and it is capable of super splitting.

To Sum It Up

As mentioned earlier, DIANA project will not be completely successful without the aid of Blockchain to prove to users that the platform truly has their best interest at earth to take back all that rightfully belongs to them. It is a project to support actively.



DIANA, the world's First Blockchain Moon Registry

Diana Project is a way for us to gain back control and ownership of what is ours and not be side-lined.