Project — A Blockchain to “BUY” the Moon

Written by Andrew Cloete

If you’re here, you have most likely run a Google search for, lunar registry, “buy moon land” or just ended up here by pure dumb luck.

However, you got here, welcome ;)

At the time of writing, Project DIANA is barely 3 month’s old and one of the youngest blockchain projects out there. There is also very little to no coverage on this project in the mainstream media currently, hence my introductory statement.

Admittedly, when I first came across this project I thought it was a total scam. The first questions that most of us ask are:

  • How is it even possible or legal to “BUY” property/land on the Moon?
  • How does this work with all the existing companies who are “selling” Moon land?
  • What stops the World Super Powers from just colonizing the Moon and making this entire project null and void?

These are the questions I will look to answer in this piece…from my perspective anyway.

So how can someone “BUY” the Moon?

Short answer: “You can’t”. Well, not right now anyway.

This is a general misconception that many people have when first looking into this project. DIANA is not selling Moon land in any way, shape or form. Project DIANA does not own the Moon and therefore has no legal right to “sell” it to you.

When you hand over your $1 for 9,790m² of prime Moon property, what you are actually doing is registering your interest and intention. By completing the transaction, you are creating digital evidence of your claim to a common heritage of humankind.

“No single group or nation owns the Moon. By default, this makes the Moon a common heritage of humankind. This being said, if none of us actively assert our ownership over this common asset, we end up forfeiting it.”

So what makes DIANA more legit than those loonies at Lunarembassy? has been selling land on the Moon since 1980. There are subsequently many other companies out there that have followed suit.

This is my logical take on these existing Moon real estate companies.

I want you to think of the colour “RED”.

If I held up a red apple and asked you, or anyone else, what colour the apple was, I would get a resounding answer of “RED”. Unless of course, you are colour blind.

The question is, who decided that this specific combination of RGB or CMYK = “RED”. What if tomorrow, between the 2 of us, we decided and agreed that the colour currently known to the world as “RED” is now called “JEFF”. If this was taken before a court of law, what would happen?

Basically, it would come down to an agreement held between 2 individuals who believe the colour is now “JEFF” vs a global consensus who believe the colour is “RED”. Simple logic and common sense tell me that mass consensus would win this argument.

I believe the same would apply to those already existing Moon realtors out there. We also need to keep in mind that project DIANA is embarking on completely new territory here (both literally and figuratively) and I don’t believe there is any precedent currently set.

So, various companies have already taken payment for sections of the Moon and in return have issued individuals with certificates. That agreement is only known and verified between the seller and the buyer. Can anyone else confirm this transaction and the validity thereof? What exactly has been purchased and is the assigned value correct?

Along comes DIANA, who has used science and math to map out the Moon’s surface. Each cell has a unique address assigned with corresponding coordinates and a specific area and size. This has then been opened up to the entire world population to participate in. Anyone can get onto the platform, select their cells and make payment to register their cells. All of this residing on a blockchain and the decentralized ledger accessible and available to anyone who cares to look.

The difference between the two scenarios above is that the DIANA project now has a global consensus and digital evidence of these transactions and registrations vs the company/individual transaction. In a court of law, DIANA can prove that a specific piece of land was “purchased” by a specific wallet (individual) for a specific price at a specific date and time. And this transaction is known of, accepted and verified by multiple parties/nodes across the world. DIANA has created a verifiable mass consensus in this regard. In the case of the company/individual, only those two parties can verify that a transaction even took place. Whether it did or didn’t happen, we can only rely on their word.

Again, if presented before a court of law, I believe DIANA would have the stronger argument regarding ownership due to verifiable and evidenced mass consensus.

The colour “RED” is “RED” because the WORLD says so.

So what if China colonizes the Moon?

Regarding some World Super Power just stepping in and taking over everything, this is just one possible scenario…the very worst-case scenario at that.

Yes, this may very well happen, but I also see other possibilities here.

Scenario 1

One of the World Super Powers (let’s say China) makes landfall on the Moon and colonizes it. The other World Powers decide ‘fuck it’ and lets China do its thing. The UN cowers away and does nothing.

Result — I lose my $121 and 1,184,590m2 of prime Moon real-estate ☹️

Scenario 2

One of the World Super Powers (let’s say China) makes landfall on the Moon. The other World Powers decide ‘fuck China, we also want a piece of the pie’ and go to war. Battles are fought on earth, the moon or both. Millions of people potentially lose their lives. The UN cowers away and does nothing.

Result — I lose my life, my $121 and 1,184,590m2 of prime Moon real-estate ☹️

Scenario 3

One of the massive corporates (let’s say Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin) makes landfall on the Moon. They start mining resources and doing business from the Moon. The UN and World Powers cower away and do nothing.

Result — I lose my $121 and 1,184,590m2 of prime Moon real-estate ☹️

Scenario 4

One of the massive corporates (let’s say Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin) makes landfall on the Moon. The UN steps up.

Project DIANA is recognized for what it’s worth and the matter ends up in court. Due to mass consensus, it’s decided that even though I don’t technically own the land, evidence of my transactions/registrations are recognized and are valid. The corporate is instructed to pay me at least the original value I spent.

Result — I get my $121 back and lose my 1,184,590m2 of prime Moon real-estate 😐

Scenario 5

One of the massive corporates (let’s say Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin) makes landfall on the Moon. The UN steps up.

Project DIANA is recognized for what it’s worth and the matter ends up in court. Due to mass consensus and undeniable evidence of my transactions/registrations, new laws are instituted and I actually receive a title deed to the land purchased.

Result — I now own 1,184,590m2 of prime Moon real-estate 😊 I’m able to lease the land to the corporate, become a shareholder in their business or just take a percentage of any business conducted on my land.

Bottom line, there is a myriad of scenarios that could possibly play out. So even if the worst-case scenario plays out, my biggest loss will be my dream of owning 1,184,590m2 of prime Moon real-estate, followed by my measly $121

For me personally, the current potential gains far exceed the potential loss.

The biggest contribution project DIANA is making, as far as I’m concerned, is laying the foundation so that this discussion can become a reality.



DIANA, the world's First Blockchain Moon Registry

Diana Project is a way for us to gain back control and ownership of what is ours and not be side-lined.