How to Declutter Your Kitchen

Our homes are a place where we can unwind, relax and enjoy the Spa Life, but when it happens to be messy and unorganized, it can lead to frustration and stress. The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in our home. It is a space where we prepare nourishing meals for ourselves, and so much of our time at home is spent in this room, beginning with making breakfast and a hot cup of coffee in the morning, to returning home and preparing a family meal for everyone. According to Organizational Experts San Diego, maintaining a clutter- free, well organized and functional kitchen is crucial to elevating our mood and staying relaxed, especially when you need to cook your meals every day. Here are some pointers to help you keep your kitchen organized and stress free!

Spend Time in Planning

Before you approach a professional organizer for Complete Organizing Solutions, it is important that you take the time to plan out details like what items you have, how you use these items and how you would like to store them. Make a list of all the utensils and kitchen tools you have, and separate them into different categories like everyday use, baking utensils and other special items. You can consult Spa Life Mentor San Diego to find out more ways on how you can efficiently categorize your kitchen belongings such that you will always know where each item is when you need to use it. Also, it is a good idea to get rid of all those items that you are not using and will probably never use in the future. Hoarding a lot of unnecessary items will only make the organizing process that much more difficult. Plan out where each type of utensils or kitchenware should go according to how you would be using them. This way, working in the kitchen will be a pleasure rather than a pain searching for things you need to use to cook your meal.

Keep a Check On Expiry Dates

The kitchen needs to be stocked with all sorts of ingredients; some that are used everyday, like staples, milk, eggs, spices and the like, and some that are only used occasionally, like that bottle of oyster sauce you thought you could try out sometime. Make sure to regularly keep a check on the expiry dates of items in your pantry as well as your fridge to avoid losing valuable space to useless expired food. Storing too many expired food items in your fridge will definitely make it smell bad, so it is wise to keep checking and throwing away old food and ingredients. Keeping a food inventory is a great idea whether you choose to organize the kitchen yourself or hire someone for Complete Organizing Solutions.

Assign Places for Specific Items

A great way to make your kitchen more organized and mess free is to set places for items that you usually store carelessly in the kitchen. This includes random mails, papers, takeout menus and recipes, or even cleaning necessities that can be stored in designated places instead. Cooking in itself is time consuming without having these hurdles hindering your movement in the kitchen.

For more ideas and advice on how to keep your kitchen organized and decluttered, contact an Organizational Expert San Diego today so they can help you achieve your desired organizational goals in your kitchen!

Diane Halfman — Spa Life

Address: PO Box 1144, Solana Beach, CA 92075

Phone: 619–921–3272


