Biyere Tare-Joshua
Diary of a creative mind
3 min readNov 28, 2017

“ All I wanted was just to create ideas that the world will marvel and thank me for.”

From my tender age of 10, I have always visioned myself to be someone people will always talk about positively because of the impact I will make in the society with the things I have designed. From that age I started living the dream. I was an exemplary figure to many as I performed well in class. I was motivation to some and for others, an overrated guy who looked at himself more than the ordinary person he was.

Well, they were quite right. I remember when I took overall first in class in primary 2 basic class. I felt like a boss. That was the last time I took first in anything till date. What followed on my report card in subsequent years was “He can do better, but he is too over-confident”. Yes, that was me. I believed no matter where I go, I should always be spotted as one of the unique guys to be respected. Yes I was respected, but I was too relaxed. Any little achievement easily got into my head. I felt I had done the unthinkable, whereas, anyone else can actually do better.

I was always craving for praises and respect. If there was any task to be done or learned, I would always be the best to start, but hardly seen around the finish line. Just a simple praise, I loose focus. 2 decades later I am still yet to fulfill my dream of being praised for things I will love to design for the society to use. I have started quite a number of projects but finished none. As usual, my starting was off the hook, I got praised and was spotted to be coming up with unique things, then along the way, I lost focus.

As I grow older, I have began to learn the importance of self discipline and focus more on finishing things, one at a time. My major problem had been that I paid too much attention to my dreams and failed to work on them. You know that kind of guy that dreams of a thousand and one ideas or concepts, he sells to everyone around him, he is happy, but when asked “Can we see it?” He disappears and his emptiness shows. Yes…that was my story. Just recently I began turning things around.

About Tarejosh

I am a trained architect who fell in love with the concept of design thinking in creating solutions and products to solve problems or important needs in the society. This love pushed me to design digital products. My self discovery further pushed me to learn numerous skills around digital design, visual design and interior architecture. Today, I sometimes feel like I have no focus, but in the real sense, my quest to design things people can use has taken me this far. Now, I can function in any design team irrespective of the type of design ( well, except transportation design).

Now that I have learned a whole lot, I want to push my learning further this time by creating finished products, thus, the reason for this write up. This series Finishing my creations is focused on the daily struggle I am taking in ensuring I finish my dream projects. Time to time, I shall reveal my projects and carry along, friends, family, this lovely community and interested readers into my world as a designer dreaming to build things that can create difference in lives. And with your support, I know I will finish my projects and become a better designer.

Humility is my watch word!

I acknowledge I am still learning and I can’t do things all alone. One thing I know is that to make an impact, takes time. My past is my learning and my future will continue to be my learning as I get closer to the summit of the mountain. Let my journey inspire many.

Thank you!



Biyere Tare-Joshua
Diary of a creative mind

Mission: To design transformative experiences through products, projects and programs. | Architect & Designer | C.E.O, Strawz Innovations | Careerpedia |