Week 12 of Freelance Writing: Diary Entry #13

Another week closer to my goals.

Alicia Daley
Diary of a Freelance Writer
4 min readMar 27, 2022


professional woman at her laptop, laughing
Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

Last week was tough, but I felt a lot better about things this week despite not being the most productive I’ve ever been.

My Schedule

What worked

I’m still really enjoying the priority method I’ve adopted for my schedule. My first priority task takes precedence, and once I meet the goal for the day, I can move on to the next priority. There’s not as much pressure to get things done by a certain time of day, so I get to dedicate my full attention to a task for an extended period. This is definitely the way to go for me.

What didn’t work

This week I realized that I haven’t been writing as much as I’d like, which is why I felt a little off last week. With my current schedule, I only have two days of significant writing per week, and that just doesn’t feel right. So, I’m going to remedy that going forward.

Plan for next week

Next week I’m going to change my schedule a bit. I’m going to write my novel on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings and then write articles in the afternoon. On Tuesday and Thursday, I’ll send two pitches each, which may take up the whole day. If I finish early, I’ll work on articles.

I’m almost finished with my March novel goal, which means I may focus less on word count this next week, and more on tidying up my outline for the second part of my novel.

I’ll actually be pitching more and having more full writing days next week, which is going to serve as a test run of my tentative plans for next month (which I’ll talk about next week!).

Successes, Failures, and Lessons Learned


I found that cold pitching to brands and companies differs a lot from pitching to publications and magazines. It required a lot more of my time, and eventually, I realized I needed more tools and knowledge to pull it off properly. This is something I’m going to work on.


I sent three pitches this week.

I’m also so close to being at the halfway point in my novel. I made a lot of progress this month, and I’m on target to reach my goal of starting part two of my book next month.

How I felt

I felt pretty good this week, although I struggled to stay focused. I’m easily distracted by new ideas, other tasks, and, of course, my phone. Leaving my phone in another room to limit distractions might be necessary.

As I’m nearing the end of the month, I’ve been thinking about my goals and priorities for next month, and how I’ll build my schedule. I really enjoy that planning process, so that has been exciting.

Plus, the satisfaction of actually sticking to all of my March goals has helped my mood a lot this week.

Goal Review

Priority 1: Send one pitch on Monday, one on Wednesday, and one on Friday. Writing jobs trump this for top priority.

I sent three pitches this week and I’m noticing that I can write pitches for online publications and magazines much faster now.

Priority 2: Write 1500 words in my novel on Tuesday and Thursday.

I didn’t write the full 1500 words both days, but I’m still on track for my overall March goal.

Priority 3: Write and engage on this platform.

I didn’t publish anything this week. I’m still working on building a new publication and I want to make sure I can commit to at least one weekly post there before I make it all live. That means brainstorming and outlining a few upcoming posts and making sure I can dedicate enough time to writing them in the next few weeks and beyond.

Final Thoughts

With a week left in March, I’m feeling good about my progress this month. Meeting small goals and learning along the way is exactly what I need to be doing.

Hope you have a great week!

Follow my publication, Diary of a Freelance Writer, and check back next Sunday for another rundown of a week in the life of a full-time freelance writer.

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