Words of Wisdom before Turning 25: Business Monday

5 Days from Turning 25 — an Entrepreneur’s Perspective

Roxana Nasoi
3 min readMay 12, 2014

The Final Countdown starts today. I’m saying goodbye to the beautiful age of 24 and to all the struggles of these past 12 months. I’ve managed to secure another year leading the life of being my own boss and banging my head to all the walls I built myself.

For those who are like me, and for those who want to be like me, a young woman who is successful but does not know how to define “success”, an entrepreneur who’s never been employed by others, but who fires herself every day, a challenger of all things who never gets tired of headaches, a person just like everyone else, the only difference being not lacking confidence and a spirit for adventure in the business landscape — for all of you, these are my Business Tips.

Gathered over the past 10 years, since I first started freelancing and doing paid gigs.

©Roxana Nasoi. 2014

#5. Relax, No Stress

Weekends are meant for relaxation. Relax, go out, have fun, enjoy every moment. If you’re feeling up for a round of work on your business, do it. If not, don’t overwork yourself. Deadlines are set to motivate, not to stress you.

#4. Search for Help in Your Business

Don’t ask for it, just search. And when you find it, and you will find it, because every search shows up results and one of them fits your criteria, don’t be afraid to use it.

Work on a business more than working in a business. (Anonymous)

#3. Take Up the Impossible, like in Math

Sure, easy projects are great, but at the end of the day, how motivated are you? Take one difficult project and solve it. Like a Math problem. It’s difficult because we tell ourselves it is, but actually, the solution is pretty simple once you know the formulas.

#2. Screw the Road Maps in Business Quests

Don’t failure and do not despair over lack of a road map. The worst decisions you make are when you fear failure and when you are desperate for success, while feeling bad because you have no sense of direction and no proper road map. You don’t need a proper road map in business. T

hat thing called business plan is just an illusion. Nobody actually follows it, we all do what we feel it is best for us and for our businesses.

#1. Feel the Business

Follow your gut, follow your heart. When it comes to the core of your business, listen to no one else except you, because no one knows better than you what you want to do, to achieve, how are you going to do it and with what resources.

It’s great to receive advice, but that should be marginal, only to strengthen the core.

Don’t change the core of your business: transform it, cultivate it and make it grow, but keep something from the original version there. You’ll need it when doubt strikes and you have no where to go but… back to basics.




Roxana Nasoi

Privacy Advocate. C-Level. Business and Technology Strategist. 10yr+ building & incubating companies in the digital economy space. Tedx and Keynote Speaker.