Day 16

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readFeb 13, 2017

Once again, Stormy refuses to get out of bed. She’s the unmovable object of lore and in the end it takes a combined effort of Han, Chewie and myself jumping on her to create the irresistible force that rouses her from her bed. If anyone asks, I now know the solution to that paradox. The rest of the morning is a blur as we rush around trying to get ready for the bus in time. In the end the bus is late, so Stormy feels justified in her sleep in. I feel that everything is pointless.

After work, I return to an excited little girl. She has decided that we are going to play Lego (well, Duplo). We build complex houses and grounds full of people and animals. Stormy tells stories about each of them. I feel that these plastic people have more stimulating and rewarding inner lives than I do. She has also decided to take these to bed with her. This does not bode well for me. Or my feet.

The plant is starting to sprout. Stormy is taking great pleasure in this. I actually hope it survives so she can eat some of it. It will be good for her to understand where food comes from.

Stormy has also become an expert with her digital camera. She figured out the movie function and has spent most of the evening, after dinner, filming messages for her mother. In between chasing the dog and filming his “bum bum” that is.

Time for bed. I’ve created a star chart to encourage Stormy to go to bed. Gamification working just as well on a 4yo as it does on corporate citizens. In one way it’s working beyond my wildest expectations. She’s so excited at the thought of getting enough stars to be able to watch a movie. On the other hand, it’s also a complete failure as Stormy has just drawn stars in every box. Also showing that gamification only works if everyone follows the rules.

« First Day | ‹ Yesterday (Day 15) | Tomorrow (Day 17) › | Final Day »

* For those who missed the context, I’m not actually single. My wife has started a 5-month contract in Australia (yay). This is a Very Good Thing™. Stormy will be staying with me here in Singapore and I have great help both remotely (from my wife) and locally. I’m writing this purely for fun and to practice writing. :-)



Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.