Day 181 or “The Day Stormy Earns Her Name”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readJul 21, 2017

“Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world”. Archimedes never had to deal with a 5 year old refusing to wake up. Luckily I manage to get her to move before the heat death of the universe, so I consider that a win.

Motivation is a powerful force. From refusing to accept the possibility of consciousness to being up, dressed and ready to go takes but a moment once she sets her heart on ToastBox for breakfast. We scoot off and discover a short cut along the Singapore River. It’s a beautiful ride. At the school I talk with her Kindergarten teachers about her reading. They say that she is progressing nicely. I feel like I’m Father of the Year when they say that. Although the teachers at White Lodge Education Group Services probably have more to do with it than I. :-)

I work from home today so I’m able to pick her up from the bus stop. As the bus is pulling up she sees me and I see her silhouette stand up and point excitedly. She jumps down into my arms and tells me about her day as we walk upstairs.

For the remainder of the workday I sit at the nearby Starbucks to finish my work in peace. I return with McDonald’s for movie night. I find her playing with her friends outside. She sees me and immediately runs over and headbutts me in the stomach. All I can think is “I’m glad she’s getting taller”. She grabs my hands and takes me to her “secret lair”. She points out everything including her Laboratory and Cave of Doom. She bends me down and whispers, “don’t go in there — it’s full of animals that will bite you”. I’ve never been prouder. She’s living up to her full name — “Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All”.

We head upstairs for Movie Night and, eventually, bed. Stormy has a cough during the night. For once she has a legitimate reason for not falling asleep. I’ve checked her temperature and everything is OK. It might be asthma so I’ll keep an ear out for the wheezing. While I’m checking on her, she cuddles up and “falls asleep” on my legs. I don’t have the heart 💓 to move her.

She seems to have actually fallen asleep now so I’m hoping it lasts. I’m also hoping I can move.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.