Day 190 or “The Day Stormy Has A House Day”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readJul 30, 2017

Stormy wakes up in pain. She has tears in her eyes as she tells me that her tummy still hurts. I carry her out to the sofa and settle her down with a heat pack and cartoons. I disappear into the kitchen to make some plain porridge for her. It’s a fantastic recipe.

She slowly eats her breakfast and we settle in for a quiet day at home. She just wants to lie on the sofa. The pain goes through spikes as one moment she’s fine and the next she’s sick. As the day progresses she seems to be more fine than pain.

She decides she wants Zaru (cold, plain, Udon noodles) for lunch. It’s simple enough that I think it’s safe. We emerge into the Singapore sun. She starts the trip asking to play outside after lunch, but the pain returns and she changes her mind. She wants to go home afterwards. Stormy is in tears as we’re walking inside. A stranger walks up to me and asks what’s wrong. I explain that she has a sore tummy. This starts a 5 minute, one-sided, conversation of advice. All of which I’ve done. Yes, she’s drunk warm water. Yes, I’m avoiding “cold” foods. Yes, she’s eating plain foods. I end up walking away with her still talking at me from around the corner. I suspect her lack of faith in my abilities relates primarily to the fact that I’m not the mother.

Her tummy begins to hurt again after lunch. We come home and she curls up in front of some more cartoons. After a while (and an incident which takes a while to clean up) she starts to feel a lot better. This is one area where being a singleish parent is difficult. It’s hard to be there to comfort & look after a child, while at the same time cleaning up after them as quickly as possible. But I manage.

By evening the pain is totally gone and all of her usual perkiness and energy has returned.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.