Day 78

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readApr 10, 2017

Sunday’s are always the hardest day. “Daddy, wake up. Wake up daddy”. Two little feet start pushing at my kidneys encouraging me to get out of bed. At this point I know that today is going to be especially hard. I suspect that I used up all my good ideas yesterday.

Just as we leave the house I realise I have to run back inside for a moment and end up leaving our scooter unattended for a short while. Stormy looks worried and asks “why didn’t you lock it up?”. This begins a short discussion on the nature of good and bad. I explain that most people are good and that it’s especially safe in Singapore. She thinks for a moment. “How many bad people are there in Singapore?” I respond that I don’t know. There’s a short pause before she thoughtfully concludes “maybe 4”. And then another short pause, “or even 5”.

We scoot down to ToastBox (no photo sorry) for our usual breakfast and discuss the day ahead. “Stormy, what would you like to do”. “Watch TV”. “You can’t do that”. She pauses for a moment. “Can I watch TV now”. I pass her my phone with a sigh and get a few minutes of peace. We eventually settle on going to the local indoor play gym, Royce’s. Hundreds of toys for her to play with. We end up staying there for over 4 hours with only a short break for lunch. I get her to agree that she’s old enough to play by herself for a bit so I get to escape for an hour for a quick massage and cup of tea. Bliss.

We come home mid-afternoon and collapse on the sofa. She’s been really good this weekend, or I’ve subconsciously forgotten the times she wasn’t, so we decide to put on a movie. It takes her a couple of minutes before she realises that I’ve put Frozen on in Mandarin. Then comes the greatest lie ever told by parents to children. “I don’t know what happened!” I exclaim. Regardless she enjoys it and we settle back for a comfortable afternoon. I order dinner from one of the local restaurants and we continue to have a relaxing evening.

When it comes time to brush her teeth she starts telling me about how baby teeth fall out and that one of her teeth is wobbly (it isn’t). I explain that she’s a little young for that to happen. She looks at me like I’m an idiot and explains that it happens on different days to different people. I’m not sure how to respond.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.