A barber asked me for an Appointment Booking Software

And I ended up creating a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)

Anees Khan
Diary of a Software Developer


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Today someone called me. He sounded rough and curt. He sounded very on-the-point. He sounded sharp, like his tools.

“Many people calling me. I do hair cutting. You have anything that can make people book appointment with me?”

When he said “anything”, he actually meant a software or IT solution that might solve his issues.

That started our discussion. He said he was comfortable with Whatsapp and wanted something along that line. I advised him it might not be ideal.

Yes, Whatsapp CAN be used for this purpose. I have developed helpdesk systems using Whatsapp’s Cloud API before. So, I know that an appointment system with that is also possible.

“I understand your problem. Why don’t you let me think a bit more, and then I’ll get back to you?”.

We hung up. I deliberated over lunch. Then, over dinner. Brother here wants a system that should make life easier for him AND his customers to make their hair-cutting appointments with him. And brother here is not so tech-savvy. And he said his budget is not so high. (well, whose is, right?)



Diary of a Software Developer
Diary of a Software Developer

Published in Diary of a Software Developer

My musings and observations as I lead my days as a software developer in Singapore

Anees Khan
Anees Khan

Written by Anees Khan

Anees Khan is a freelance web and mobile app developer, and a software developer, for the past 28 years, and is running Getcha Solutions (getcha.com)

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