10 Git Commands That Don’t Exist, But Should

Let’s take git blame one step further with git chastise

Keri Savoca
Diary of an SRE
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2020


Git has plenty of useful commands that make version control easy. Nonetheless, we still make mistakes. While git blame can show us who did what in a particular file, that’s pretty much the extent of its usefulness.

git blame isn’t going to make things better. If you can’t make things better, what can you do?

Here are ten git commands that don’t exist — but imagine if they did.

1. git accept blame

adds a comment to the code that says you know you shouldn’t have done this, but you did it anyway and you accept the consequences; sends your team an apology via Slack using @here; turns off your Slack notifications

2. git assign blame

assigns blame to someone else so that git blame doesn’t point the finger at you

3. git chastise

sends a copy of the code to everyone on Slack using@channel and tags the author. If the code itself didn’t chastise whoever wrote it, the people who get woken up by the Slack notification surely will.

4. git shit

