How do you REALLY pronounce kubectl?

Until I can figure it out, I’m calling it “that kube tool”

Keri Savoca
Diary of an SRE
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2020


The first time I came across the term kubectl (which was before I knew what it was — but it’s a command line tool that lets you control Kubernetes clusters), I Googled how to pronounce it. I had to. I knew that if I didn’t figure out the correct pronunciation right off the bat, the wrong pronunciation would be permanently ingrained in my mind.

The only thing I found was @gwaldo’s lightning talk from All Things Open 2018, which I found humorous, but not as definitive as he claimed.

Let’s break this down.

Waldo provides us with this handy chart to help us separate the first and second halves of the term kubectl.

Screenshot by the author

It’s not pronounced CUBE-er-net-eez, so kubectl probably shouldn’t be pronounced cube-anything, but forget about that. koob sounds ridiculous, so any options that start with koob are automatically out, as far as I’m concerned.

