Musings on the Searing Fad

King Offling
Diary of Dilbert the Squire
1 min readJan 19, 2023

Feeling: Smug

Today I stumbled upon the latest craze sweeping the kingdom — people are searing Tokens of Concord onto their flesh and permanently transforming themselves. It’s all anyone can talk about lately!

I have to admit, I find it all a bit ridiculous. It’s like these people are trying to make a fashion statement or something. I mean, who wants to make an aesthetic choice that will affect them for the rest of their lives?

On the topic, though, I will admit that, in the privacy of my own thoughts, I’ve considered what I would get if I were to get a tattoo. Maybe a small memorial to my friend Bobbert on my bicep, or the coordinates to Stalwart Fortress on my wrist. It would have to be something tasteful and personally meaningful like that. But of course, that’s just silly fantasy. I would never actually do it.

Honestly, I predict that this Token of Concord craze will be a passing fad, and that in a few months, a lot of people will come to regret their decision. But for now, I’ll just sit back and watch the spectacle unfold.

Signed, Dilbert the Squire.

