Pain of Exclusion

King Offling
Diary of Dilbert the Squire
2 min readFeb 25, 2023

Feeling: Ignored

Dear Diary,

Today was a bit of a tough day. I found out that everyone else the Artist’s Guild invited everyone to a family portrait, but for some reason, I was left out. It’s hard not to take it personally, but I’m trying my best to keep my chin up.

I’ve been feeling pretty sad about it all day. It’s not easy to be left out of something that everyone else is a part of. I don’t want to make a big deal out of it in public, but privately, it really hurts my feelings. I’ve been trying to put on a brave face, but it’s tough.

I can’t help but feel a bit resentful towards everyone else for not remembering to invite me. I mean, I’ve been a loyal member of the community for a long time, and I’ve always tried to be there for everyone. It’s hard not to feel like I’ve been overlooked or forgotten about.

I know I need to move on from this, but it’s easier said than done. I just wish someone had thought to include me. I guess I’ll just have to try harder to make sure I’m not left out next time.

Anyway, I’m going to try and get some rest now. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Yours truly, Dilbert the Squire

