Unconventional Battle Tactics

King Offling
Diary of Dilbert the Squire
1 min readFeb 6, 2023

Feeling: Curious

Dear Diary,

Today was an exciting day at Stalwart Fortress, as King Offling brought the strange keep guards for a little sparring in the field. I believe there were three; Defensor Sciente, Pilosus Telum, and Jermyn the Honest. It was a delight to sit with Prince Maxim and Sir Benedict and watch them work.

As usual, King Offling had his trusty shield with him, and I couldn’t help but ponder why he never brings any weapons. I suppose, his shield might as well be a weapon, what with the way he wields it. It’s almost as if he’s striking someone with a thick oaken door!

I wonder, could it be that there’s something in the past that made King Offling give up the sword? I’m curious if he has a story to tell about why he prefers to fight with just his shield. Regardless, ever since he returned to Stalwart Fortress he’s been training a lot. I would have considered him a formidable opponent before, but there’s something else driving him now.

I certainly wouldn’t want to cross him in battle!

Until tomorrow, Dilbert the Squire

