When a Crow Stole My Sandwich

King Offling
Diary of Dilbert the Squire
2 min readDec 28, 2022

Feeling: Paranoid

Dear Diary,

Today was a most unusual day. I was enjoying my lunch in the courtyard outside Stalwart Fortress, as I often do on warm and sunny days. I had brought a delicious sandwich made with freshly baked bread, savory roast beef, and tangy mustard. I was just about to take a big bite when, out of nowhere, a crow swooped down and snatched the sandwich right out of my hand!

At first, I was shocked and dismayed. But then I remembered that crows are known to be opportunistic thieves and will snatch food from unsuspecting humans if they have the chance. I tried to chase after the crow, but it was too quick for me and flew off with my sandwich in its beak.

I couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed and frustrated as I watched the crow disappear into the distance. But then a more unsettling thought crossed my mind: the crows in these parts are known to be associated with The Darkblade Guild, a group of thieves and assassins who operate in the shadows. Could this crow have been sent by the Darkblade Guild to spy on me, or perhaps even steal something more valuable than a simple sandwich?

I tried to shake off these paranoid thoughts and told myself that I was being silly. After all, crows are just birds, and they can’t be held responsible for the actions of The Darkblade Guild. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something sinister was afoot. I decided to keep a closer eye on my surroundings and be more careful in the future.

Despite the unfortunate incident with the crow, I am determined not to let it ruin my day. I’ll just have to make do with an apple for lunch today and hope for a better tomorrow.

Sincerely, Dilbert the Squire

