Top anime — must watch

Jessica Cote
Diary Of Fantastic Discoveries
11 min readDec 21, 2017

I don’t often talk about the personal taste in television I have. But I am an avid anime, Korean drama, and exotic television watcher. But mainly in my younger years I lived the life of late anime binging while studying for classes during grade school. Of course this helped keep me in the club of nerds as I call it. I wouldn’t change it for anything. But anime holds a real value to the human perspective not only as an art form skilled in reanimating comic books, but also because the story lines in them are prolifically life changing.

Everyone has a list of their top favorite shows. I have a list of my top favorite story-lines and why these anime will remain relevant throughout the years. Due to being a writer myself I tend to judge every story-line that manages to capture my creativity because the power of a great story can make us feel something that we otherwise wouldn’t.

1. Shinsekai Yori ( From the New World)

This anime will tragically never find itself on any top one hundred anime list because it is underrated. Just like being the under dog at a sports competition this show exhilarates a strong story-line compact with a re-watchable aspect. But it isn’t known enough to fall into the greats category. To me this story-line goes well beyond any mainstream concept with large questions that humanity has been asking for a while.

Its story is as complicated as making a pot of coffee back before Keureg’s were a thing. But I absolutely love it. The tale here is set one thousand years after the modern era in Japan. Saki Watanabe is the sole focus of the story but the anime does a great job freckling us with pieces of the other characters life. Forewarning- this is not your average life story. In this age, all humans posses powerful psychic abilities, and live life in agrarian villages.

You know that long lasting question about what would happen if humans gained superpowers? Your answer rests with the False Minoshiro who is a creature that holds all the knowledge of the world libraries. It is brutal. All I am going to say if you have not watched is that the show will psychologically hinder you for a day or two as you rest over the many answers to humanity you may have.

But again this story is super under rated because the populace tend to forget what actual story telling can do. Make me the first person to have an under rated anime as my favorite. Go forth power of individuality.

Though as a writer there is a lot of perfectly woven sentences that make your heart race during certain moments. On a literature side this series is a lot like the book The Time Machine, and The Giver. But a cool fact is that this developed from a novel. Not a visual novel, not even a manga. But a full fledged novel which makes it worth the watch because it shows the way subtlety can grasp our attention. However, be wary of the English version of this series. It does not reflect the ending. I suggest you watch it in sub. But in all seriousness if you do watch this series in dub make sure to hit me up for the sub’s ending because the last scene is gut wrenchingly mind boggling.

As a writer- I think this is an anime worth seeing. To me this beats out all of those mainstream pieces of popularity such as Sword Art Online, and Naruto. If you are curious this is done by the same studio who does Sword Art Online and it begs the question of why companies shower so much money in lackluster story tellers. But do put this on your check list of must watch shows if you are an anime fan but if you like books pick it up at a book store sometime.

2. Noein: to your other self

At first you are going to look at this list and think I am making it backwards. But truth is I am not. I’m not kidding when I say this takes second place for most well developed story-line that will leave you questioning humanity, and space more than ever. If you notice already the artwork similar to the one above because it is the same artist. Oddly enough.

Again, another anime that is not you A-typical or standard top of the list popular anime. Maybe I’m just a sucker for strange story-lines. Or strong valuable lessons. Either way Noein is a gifted art for the time period it came out during. Released in 2006 it had some strong combatants for its scyfy genre. But over Gumdam Seed and Code Geass this show has a more practical aspect to it.

Fifteen years in the future a violent pan-dimensional war is taking place between two dominant time spaces. Just like an A-typical science fiction the rift starts to effect our world. However, you don’t expect the tale to take a twisted side. Essentially most will cut short on trying to explain the plot because like shinsekai Yori there is a lot of extra greatness in it.

For the first five episodes it’ll be geared in a slow progression. So be prepared to have patience. However, the scope of events after are glorifying.Your first five episodes are the catalyst for being introduced to the characters within both worlds. Every character has a reason for being in this show, and even better every character is guaranteed to make it to the end.

The story follows a girl named Haruka as she gets taken on a ghost hunt to run into a strange alien. While the story progresses you will have a few hiccup episodes that will just drag along. But over all this is worth the watch.

In a writer’s perspective this story follows a boy through his fears, and how he overcomes adolescence with the slight problem of a second personality who lives in an alternate dimension in the future. I like to call this the Stranger things of the genre.


3. I see dead people. Just kidding but if I did it would be a little like this — Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi ( Sunday without God)

Tragedy. A true tragedy to its name but not quite like Angel’s Beats or Anohana. But definitely imp-actual on the high end of lessons to be learned as a human. Ever wonder what it would be like to lose the ability to have children as a race? We die out. Plain- simple- and true.

Ever wonder what its like to be immortal? Its sad. One problem with living forever and watching other people do the same is that life does not change. It remains stagnant. Frozen like the crystal city in Sailor Moon. I find it a perfect piece of mortality. In life- we take everything for granted but we can’t die or have a legacy we become fallen to our own demise.

Which brings forth humanity’s need to die. Funny. We don’t want to die but if the decision came to either be immortal or have kids. Majority of us would pick the later if it meant the possibility of becoming a ghoul as well.

Its kinda of scary that this could be reality. Just like how the human race could be wiped out by natural disasters. The premise of this series is that those that die can’t die. They either become ghouls or live on at the same age as the day God decided to abandon his creations. A little biblical but great depth on the fear of the apocalypse because of it.

Though the whole piece is slightly on the cryptic side its certainly worth the watch especially after the ones above.

4. Yu Yu Hakasho- The show that makes you wish you could befriend demons or be a grim reaper.

You can’t yearn for fantastic without watching one of shonouns best non conformist animes. Its not average in the fact that the main character is practically dead for at least twelve episodes. But on top of that he has unfortunately ended up as a spirit detective or as I call it the path paved in work. This show has no remorse for the main character. There are a lot of times he loses in battle and often his wins by sheer luck.

I putt this show fourth on my list because it is an absolute must see. No episode is filler, and no episode gives you a disastified taste like Bleach. A story about the after life and the ability to protect the living while trying to redeem his mistakes as a human. Its a bit long compared to others. About four seasons or 120 episodes roughly. Not a series you jump into if you don’t have enough time to thoroughly enjoy it.

My favorite characters in this series are Heiei and Yukina a pair of demon siblings. Heiei refuses to have his younger sister be acknowledge him because of the dangers it would cause in her life. Among the many side stories this pair grasps the ideas of demon realities and makes us actually feel for them. One of the few shows that make you understand the side characters as much as the main ones.

What I gathered from this anime is that friends, family, and life are all precious.But most of all that the rewatchabilty of it is great. I own all four seasons on DVD.

5. Elfin Lied — is not number one what?

Elfin Lied is a horror mixed with tragedy. The tragedy aspect is that humans will treat those who are different cruelty. Especially if the other creatures can wipe out humanity. At the start of this anime you get introduced to an elf being held captured and watch as her vectors kill humans one after another in order to escape the research facility.

A gruesome masterpiece. This story will evoke every emotion you have, and as a writer I think it expresses a cruelty in humanity that we have against other races. The problem we have is not with races as races are a way to segregate us but our culture is created by the places we are raised.

Paying attention to this we get a understanding of how Lucy became cruel by the kids who killed her puppy. In a savage attempt to get revenge she slaughters the children. This scene will scene is traumatizing even as a full grown adult.

Elfin lied is a great at showing us the twisted aspects of humanity. It may not answer any questions but it is responsible for the movie Lucy when that came out because Lucy’s character takes after one of the elves in this show.

5. The Ancient Magnus Bride — A story that makes falling in love non dependent on age.

Brand new. Yes a show that still is unfinished has made my list. Not often do new shows capture my interest. But this is one of the shows that I use to read and absolutely fell in love with. Just like how you pick up a new book and call it your favorite within the first two pages. But let me explain why this anime is on my top list and the potential it holds over other animes.

Magnus’s bride is stripped of hope and family and bought for money not by a person but by a human mage named Elias. But if you follow the book this is a precursor to Chise’s encounter with the thorn sorcerer. The artwork for this anime is amazing and it will surely blow your mind that such art exists.

But do remember every love story can end tragically. Since, this is unfinished I can not promise a grand ending but I can say that its worth catching up on. With seven episodes present you won’t be dissatisfied.

6. I am your worst nightmare — Tokyo Ghoul

Talk about a spooky story twisted in human canabilasim and obscure choice making. If your down for weird this is the captain that created that sail after Elfen Lied. Again this anime is fairly new compared to others on my list but it still holds its value in this list even if its a mainstream anime.

One boy gets bitten by a cannibal and his soul gets taken over by the ghoul. The story follows him through battles and problem but the real story here is that even ghouls have feelings. Human feelings even if they eat each other apart.

I can’t really describe this anime all I can say is watch it.

7. Nana- because the truth about life sucks.

Nana is a story about two girls who have the same name who become best friends by accident. Their lives are touching and often times heartbreaking. A story like this will stick with you through the ages and beyond because the weight of their decisions create most of their problems. Which is a similar idea to our life.

In fact, we watch as years pass in their lives and we begin to beg for certain events to happen only to have those events squashed like many of our dreams in real life. I am a crier when shows get emotional and this show takes emotion to a whole new level. You will laugh, cry, and get angry all in one episode so be sure to feel bipolar for a few days.

Story wise its an exceptional piece that keeps you pleading to know what happens next like a child for that next toy. But again this show is not for the weak of heart, or the ones who like gore. But tend to activate our deepest feelings of remorse.

Honorable mentions:

  1. Wolf Rain
  2. Cowboy Bebop
  3. Hellsing
  4. Anohana
  5. Angel Beats



Jessica Cote
Diary Of Fantastic Discoveries

I am just a girl among the many fish in the sea. A writer among the many dreamers, and a socialist among others.