Diary of José Francisco

Cameron Barrett
Diary of José Francisco
1 min readFeb 28, 2016

April 2020: Billionaire Donald Trump was elected president of the United States in November 2016 and swiftly enacted many of his campaign promises, including the construction of a wall between Mexico and the U.S. and the forced deportation of 12 million illegal immigrants. This diary was found wrapped in burlap cloth in a drainage pipe under Highway 90 outside of Valentine, TX.

January 21, 2019

I’m scared. The Muslims in Detroit decided to fight and it ended badly. The news says over 35,000 dead. The Department of Homeland Security made a mistake when they tried to force people onto the buses.

We tried hiding at first, but that only lasted about 6 months. That bastard Kenny ratted us out for the $1000 reward. If I ever see that human piece of shit again, I’m going to hold him down and cut off that fucking mullet.

We’ve been on the run since, going on a year now. There are a lot of good people out there, helping us and hiding us in their barns and letting us camp on their properties.

I’m scared. Hungry. Tired.



Cameron Barrett
Diary of José Francisco

Solving Design/Tech problems at Newark Public Schools. Blog Pioneer. Veteran of open source and Presidential campaigns. Formerly at WEF and Teach for America.