{6/18/17} Not Not Not Reading the News

Adelle McElveen
Diary of the Resistance
2 min readJun 18, 2017
Photo via Unsplash

Real talk: I’m behind on the news. I thought I was going to catch up yesterday, but then I didn’t want to. I had all these articles queued up and ready to go… then I read the Humor section of the New Yorker instead.

Here’s what I do know: an angry white man shot up a Congressional baseball practice. I get NY Times push updates on my phone, and they referred to this man as “an opponent” of Trump. That bothers me because it gives him undeserved legitimacy. I think that when the word “opponent” has an often-silent “worthy” in front of it. Sometime we say “worthy opponent” but I feel like even if we don’t, the “worthy” is implied. Or, like, “opposition party”. Sure, he wasn’t a supporter, but he’s also not an opponent. And then I started hearing reports that Republicans were blaming this on anti-Trump rhetoric which REALLY bothers me. But WHAT REALLY TRULY BOTHERS ME is that WE PROBABLY STILL WON’T GET GUN CONTROL.

There was also a shooting at a UPS facility in San Francisco. I know exactly where that is, and I have been there. I’m not surprised this made national news, per se, but it seemed more like the type of thing that sadly happens from time-to-time, and not politically motivated/terrorist type of thing.

Oh, and the President is under criminal investigation, so there’s that. And, you know, Senate Republicans are still trying to take away healthcare from tens of millions of people so that the über-wealthy can play another round of golf or something. idk.

On the bright side I finally called my United States Senator about healthcare. I’ve worked on so many campaigns to put people in office, but this is actually the first time I asked something of someone already there. Here’s to making this a regular thing!



Adelle McElveen
Diary of the Resistance

This is my workshop. Please enjoy my rants. Pet topics: influencers & politics. Also known as The Fashionista Lab. Past lives: UChicago, Parsons, FB, the Goog.