{12/11/18} Stray Thoughts on Hamilton and American Mobility

Adelle McElveen
Diary of the Resistance
2 min readDec 12, 2018

I recently saw Hamilton, and had an emotionally visceral reaction. I posted it to Facebook. Reposting here, for visibility and posterity.

Now I want to read the Federalist Papers. And Hamilton the book.

The role of Burr seems harder to play than Hamilton. Kind of similar to Javert vs Jean Valjean in Les Mis — the villain has the musically more technically challenging role.

Hamilton has a lot of parallels with my other favorite musical, Newsies. Note to self: write fanfic where Jack Kelly is a descendant of Alexander Hamilton.

Toxic Masculinity is as American as apple pie. Not that we invented it, but it’s woven into our historical fabric. Men no longer duel each other, but they still challenge each other to violence, and now they’ve taken to shooting up the rest of us too.

This is the most creative thing I have ever witnessed.

The fact that Hamilton is even a thing is a testament to American opportunity and ingenuity.

Lin-Manuel Miranda’s success with Hamilton was not a given. We see this impeccable finished product and we see the immense response and we think well yes, of course. Naturally A leads to B.

But not of course.

I think of the AIDS crisis in the 80s and how many artists and creatives we lost. These things are not a given.

I’ve taken to thinking of the conservative ethos as climbing the ladder then pulling it up behind them. The opposite of Lift As We Climb.

The conservative ethos says, I can practice my religion safely so we don’t need to protect anyone else. It says, I have health insurance and my own family is healthy so other people should be able to achieve the same result in their own. I’m happy with my family planning choices so it doesn’t matter if other women have access to information and birth control. I’m not the target of violence so it’s not important to protect others. I give to my own community so it doesn’t matter if other communities don’t have any resource at all.

The conservative ethos hoards resources, mobility and success.

Investment is maintenance. Anything that’s not maintained will break down and decay. Decay closes doors and shrinks opportunity. But when we invest we create openings for newness and beauty beyond our wildest imaginations.

Hamilton is the product of Lift As We Climb. Hamilton would not be possible without a spot on the ladder.

Are you pulling up the ladder behind you, because you’re safe, secure, and satisfied, or are you reaching out to pull up the person behind you?



Adelle McElveen
Diary of the Resistance

This is my workshop. Please enjoy my rants. Pet topics: influencers & politics. Also known as The Fashionista Lab. Past lives: UChicago, Parsons, FB, the Goog.