Why I Started The Diary of a Startup COO

Learning to be the operating foundation of a startup is hard; I want to share what I’m learning so it’s not so hard for others.

Tony Nguyen
Diary of the Startup COO
2 min readAug 2, 2023


Photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash

I’m coming onto one year of being the sole operations person for my startup of 5 people. The rest of the group comprises one salesperson plus a few technical team members.

I am the safety net to try and catch everything else that will inevitably fall through the cracks.

It has been a struggle, one of my most challenging ventures. It is more difficult because I am doing my best to make time for my wife and toddler while ensuring I’m present with them.

In my first year, I learned a lot and struggled a lot. I’m in the depths of despair currently, resulting in me dropping one of the habits I’ve enjoyed most over the past few months: writing.

So, why not use a practice I enjoy to work through some of my current struggles?

Hence, ‘The Diary of the Startup COO’ is now born.

These are the goals of my publication:

  1. Give me an outlet to work through my struggles.
  2. Provide some value to others going through the same thing.
  3. Show others what it’s actually like if they’re thinking of diving in

I’m not expecting this publication to be a ‘Kitchen Confidential’ of startup life, but that would be pretty cool…

Suppose anyone does read the stories here and gets some value; amazing! I’d love to hear your thoughts.



Tony Nguyen
Diary of the Startup COO

Trying to live my best life and sharing what works in career growth, startups, productivity, and health | 20+ years in Tech |