
Isabella Joslin
Diary to my Mum.
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2016


So today I made a pavlova and it’s the worst thing that has happened to me in a while.

I had fun making the pavlova. Today was the last day of school and we got to leave early so me and Othelie took the 13:50 bus to Elvestad where Bente picked us up to take us home. Upon arriving home I was hungry and in desperate need of some wholesome, not from a packet food so I cooked myself some eggs. No Beth needed. This put me in a bloody good mood and I was ready for the undertaking of the pavlova task.

I did it all perfectly, honestly I’m pretty proud of myself. It rose nicely, had a nice crisp shell and was all gooey on the inside … It didn’t even collapse! There was a slight downside of mild crunchiness because I had to use full grain sugar instead of caster which I explained wasn’t normal and was a side effect of such.

Now this pavlova was good, I ate two slices just to prove a point. But while I was there happily munching away on my creation I was surrounded by negativity and so much that I nearly had a tear in my eye.

All they said about it was bad things that honestly really hurt my feelings and it was such a shit time. They are allowed not to like it, I get that but to really tear it down and stomp it into the ground is another thing.

I really shouldn’t write these things when I’m upset but I can’t help it. I need an outlet and this is one of the best ones I’ve got.

Also people are dropping like flies. I can’t believe so many people go home and give up, that has never been a thought for me or even an option. Even if it sucks occasionally I will see this through to the bitter end.

I love you! I hope that package actually arrives and I hope you have all your Christmas preparations ready!



Isabella Joslin
Diary to my Mum.

I’m currently living in Norway with a new family, new school and alltogether an entirely new life.